Wow! What a coincidence this comes out after the glorious showing of the Dem party at the debate!

Ahh, reminds me of myself stepping out of the shower every morning

I hate these people so much, what pieces of shit

Here’s my advice, coming from someone more than double your age. You haven’t even experienced life yet.. things are SO much different in your 20s/30s than in your teens - things you think are important now, turn out to be not that important later. You will get friends, you will see.. one day you will look back on this in disbelief. You have watched the first 2 mins of a great movie, can’t turn it off before you get to the good parts!!!

I’m in and it says your not accepting payments :( - I’ll have to just pick another one I guess - sorry

I like this one best ! Thanks ! Please send me the un watermarked one - also do you have Venmo? The PayPal link won’t let me past are you a human

Have you thought about what those points will cost you yearly in 20/30 years?

I feel like at least you could give the girl some free publicity on this thread .. what’s the link?

Wait… how do you have 850 songs ?! Did you really drop over $1500?

Both of mine hanging just fine with the Amazon mount I bought

I don’t know dude, both of mine worked right out of the box

Stop donating to bullshit like “education” - save that money- your gonna need it one day- mark my words - shit happens or kids happen

Ordered mine from Best Buy and got both last Friday! They are AWESOME

Help with vocals Tech Support/Question

Hey guys, so everything’s working great, except for my vocals it’s crazy lag you hear yourself talking and can’t keep singing. It’s way off and the guitars are perfectly aligned. I have a corded rock band Mike straight into the PS5 and it’s coming out of my Sonos sound bar- how can I fix this