:Giants: Giants

Damn I wanna know what teams got on their roaster, those boys eat good

:Giants: Giants

A browns fan and a hurricanes fan, gross

:Giants: Giants

That’s….not how what aboutism works

LWOP or advanced leave and that’s about it, if you have telework flexibility that could be an option too

How do people freak out this stuff is beyond me, it’s a single hour, you go back, update your timesheet and good to go.

If you don’t mind the walk park at the metro station, that’s what I’ve done in the past

Turks and Caicos, check Costco travel, we stayed at the Alexandra for a week and was 3-4k including flights and airport transfers

If they’re all offering the same places…maybe that’s your answer?

You’re not wrong but it’s hard to justify breaking up the 10-16-13 line with them being by far the best line at 5v5. Laf should have gotten PP1 time for sure

The point is do you really want to risk ending up in a Mexican prison for drugs?? Of all places to catch drug charges? Just for a little extra buzz on your week vacation?

Lots of people are getting confused, you are able to get that FERS contribution paid back to you, there are no government contributions to FERs, if you’ve been in the gov for more than 3 years you get to keep all of your TSP, less than three years the gov takes back the 1% auto contributions but you still keep any matching.

It’s the US so maybe but I don’t see a lawsuit in this at all, without a doubt would be chalked up to occupational hazard

For what’s its worth there’s plenty of people in our own sub reveling in this lol

That’s fair but it does need to dry for a few hours to form the pellicle for smoking so you’re looking at 6-8 hours before being able to smoke it so personally it’s just easier to do it overnight, rinse in the morning and let dry in fridge and then it’s ready to go at any point that day.

That I can certainly agree with, and on top of that they paid extra to the government, to have an anti gov plate, which always makes me chuckle.


This absolutely passes the restrictions as listed, you wanna argue to change the rules? Fine, but as written this is legal. There is zero chance banning this plate holds up in court, in no way does this imply violence or is offensive or anything else. It’s a date. That’s it. And is legal.

Edit to add: the rules say the plate itself must not condone or encourage violence, or describe illegal activity. If it said Jan 6 OK. That condones it and shouldn’t be allowed, but just using the date makes it legal, like it or not. Nowhere is it encouraging or condoning anything. If taken to court the person can just say “oh it commemorates a historical moment in US history” and as wrong and as bad as it was, there is no legal way to disprove or argue against it, because that is fact.


Jan 6th was terrible, and never should have happened, but honestly, toughen up if seeing the date on a license plate “hurts your sense of propriety” look at the plate, go huh what an idiot, and move on.


But it doesn’t blatantly do any of these things? It’s a date. The connotation doesn’t matter, cases like this have gone to the courts and won. Go 911 would not pass, neither would “Go Jan 6” or “1-6 was right”. There is a plate that says 9-11-01 to commemorate it. That, legally speaking, is no different than this plate and is protected.

Edit: Classic downvoting something just cause you don’t like to hear it even it’s true, the constitution applies to people you disagree like or not.

I was just thinking this, almsot like the Total War series but different historical RPGs not related to one another

I bet it tastes great, but next time do a brine overnight and then let dry a few hours before smoking, that will stop that white stuff from leaking out