With libertarians like that who needs a tyrant

I know what to do. In fact I have side income in addition to my main income. That doesn't have to do anything with the main idea here. The current monetary model is quite perverse and unfair. Excesive creation of money only benefit a few in detriment of the others. Wealth is not created by printing money. As I said before there are reasons to be optimists though because soon the fiat money will die under its own weight and will be replaced by a new system that will take the discretionality of money creation away from the criminal cabal that controls the central banks.

I have lived in third-world countries and in the USA for a good while. I remember the pre-hyper-inflationary time and it was much better than what it is nowadays. I still have to find a well-articulated explanation of why inflation is good and I truly think I'll never see such a thing. I however feel optimist b/c the control of the money supply will be swiftly and irreversibly taken from the hand of a corrupted elite.

all I can say, and I say it with all the joy and happiness is that despite all the defenders of the Keynesian fraud known as central banks, the world is in a path of abandoning that fraud and adopting a new model where the money supply does not depend on a small group of corrupted politicians associated to a group of people in academia who love intellectual masturbation.

again, does it make it good? ... "cupcake"? what's wrong with you?

is that all you can say? When I joined this group I thought I would find interesting conversations about Hayek's or Von Misses' work. Instead I found a bunch of closeted marxists

By the way I honestly expected a different kind of interaction in this channel. I had to check twice to make sure I didn"t join a marxist group.

I don"t imagine you idiot. I have to endure it. I work just to buy food and not to live under a bridge. I know inflation very well. I was born in a third world country.

Low inflation in the US? We must be living in alternate universes

Currency debasement. It's not only housing, it can be seen in food prices, gas, everything.

Using the word 'cancel' in that context, generates more political "dividends".

Beto, fake mexican, real pendejo

Trump 2024. Get used to it, bunch of f... ups

We have to stop funding those globalist orgs

I agree with you and I'm already on everything that you mentioned. I hope we get to a critical mass soon. We need it

What can we do? I try to inform others by sharing this information. A little frustrating if you ask me.

I see cloudy days ahead. When you see ppl in the MAGA team so 'worried' about so called hate speech ...

Who in his right mimd could have voted for this leftover of a human being. He was never bright. The only thing he was good at was being a thug