I truly believe it's a production thing, because they always seem to be miserable/pissed doing it.

Married to Medicine is amazing! Summer House is really good. I liked it much better on my rewatch for some reason.

I've not yet seen Shah's. I've tried a few times but can't get past like episode 6 or so..I just can't get into it

Where did you hear this? Not necessarily doubting you, I've just never heard it.

I'm honestly bummed that they wasted a spot on her. They could have had someone good (and someone that doesn't rip off people in the name of god.)

I'm actually with you. I can't stand most of the cast but this sub is so fucking redundant and boring lately. Constant posts with zero thought or originality. And so repetitive. Criticism over the dumbest shit. At least have something interesting to say. And they all get like 6 likes. Like geez, is it worth it

It's fucking annoying.

Congrat on the twins!! I have a twin sister and it's the best gift ever!!!!!

Well I hope you get some nice people and enjoy your day, at least!

Yea, sorry..I was agreeing with you and responded to the wrong person.

No he would definitely lead with the poly stuff.

I'm too old. I can't hear it and the words are too small to read on my phone. So I'm going to take your word for it.

None of that was on the show. I only know Ariana was on DWTS because of this sub. I didn't know she came in 3rd until they mentioned it at the reunion.

There was like 3 scenes about the sandwich shop in 2 seasons. Lol

Who has a top 10 rated podcast? I didn't even know Katie and Ariana had a podcast.

There was nothing about Broadway on the show. I know Ariana did Chicago because of this sub.

I have seen every episode of this show from the beginning, so it's not like I'm a casual viewer, but all I know about Katies life is shes divorced and says shes dating, but definitely fucked one guy.

All I know about Ariana (other than what I've seen in the sub) is that she got cheated on and her lawyer is sending emails about the house she shares with her ex. And she has a boyfriend that lives in NY (I think).

Oh God I'll never for that nightmare episode. And I liked both of them, but it was so frustrating to watch.


I don't remember but I remember a Jax/Britt fight in their apartment after he fucked Faith and Britt says he's "dirty" with such drip that I heard "you're riddled with STD'S".

it's the one where she physically attacks him.

I didn't know there was another way to eat them. Lol

She's not even going to know what's happening.

What do you think the message she had in mind was?

Sorry I know this is so old, but a rewatch landed me here.

I'm doing a rewatch now. I believe she lied to Glenn and Babs at first, and probably her friends but by the reunion for season 7 they definitely seemed to know it was fake. They still all played along at some point, even in my theory, so it's still wild to me.

But who really knows, this bish is such a a fucking liar.