I’ll admit i’m a stan and try my best to be objective when not trolling(lol) but the takes have gotten out of hand. You can tell most of these people started hearing Drake post 2018 and forgot everything before

Think pieces for everything now after the beef it’s crazy

The revisionist history on Ainge is always so funny to me lol. People get mad he wants a lot for good players “He held out for way too much when he acquired the picks that got Brown and Tatum, and gave up too little for Kyrie, and that’s after he got Ray Allen & Kevin Garnett for Al Jefferson, Jeff Green & some change, he needs to be more realistic!”

He didn’t trade the farm for Kawhi and AD when he had his treasure trove of picks and it is still the right move.

Why does everyone act like trading Poole was some misstep? He legitimately got worse last year. They gave up a bad 4 year contract for an expiring one. The revisionist history never seems to fail lmao

If you have a top 10 player you always have a shot to make the playoffs lol what does this take even mean

Or they’ll say he’s not about the culture now lmao

It’s time to mute this sub

“Smile for the camera babe”

This Jaded guy is such a dork but be hitting all these hypocrites where it hurts lol

I know he is older and his team made the playoffs, but I still think I take Steph over Brunson.

He was never really a SS if we’re being honest

I think Bulls fans are forgetting the injury risk as well. It’s a bad contract plus an injury risk. Wiggins at his contract might be more valuable than Lavine lmao

“The culture” is just a buzzword to gatekeep rap