🟫:nostripes:🟫 Brown Belt

Where do you think you can improve the most in your game?

🟫:nostripes:🟫 Brown Belt

Never tapping

notice that guys not even trying to bridge or shrimp out or defend this sub at all lmfao

🟫:nostripes:🟫 Brown Belt

opening the gym is cool, i run the open mats on Sundays and have been for some years but i wouldn't consider myself a coach just because i open the school. i even help during the classes and have instructed some classes when the instructors have asked me to fill every now and then, and still wouldn't consider myself a coach. to me a coach is someone who officially can carry the curriculum and instruct lower and upper belts through the technique and answer questions and details regarding all the positions that are in the curriculum. then again im not sure how formal your school is

🟫:nostripes:🟫 Brown Belt

a blue belt coach

you coaching the kids class?

🟫:nostripes:🟫 Brown Belt

very important: go get your hormones checked and do whatever you can to get it back to normal

Giving your key to someone else who is not on the lease might be in violation of the lease agreement I suggest you read the contract first

You don't have to convince me of anything lol she threw a tantrum over a $15 blanket and broke up with her boyfriend over it. This is not how adults resolve things, but you keep living in your lil reddit echo chamber my friend

it's a childish tantrum about a $15 blanket that the daughter used to comfort herself and play with lol

she lost a person over a $15 blanket

It's a bike that's meant to be raced

I used to ride it around town all the time as well as the highway

Never tracked it, although I intended to eventually

It's sluggish at low RPM compared to bikes more suited to street and slow speed riding

I wouldn't worry about that though lmao

Your back might hate you a bit if you got some back problems

Otherwise you'll be ok

It's not a bike you wanna ride for like 4 hours straight tho

🟫:nostripes:🟫 Brown Belt

Also I recommend this stuff


had a V4

I say go for it

The most excellent bike you'll ever ride

There's nothing to research

🟫:nostripes:🟫 Brown Belt

every day after training

dropping bf instead of the towel

he dodged a bullet

the beauty of elden ring is you can play whatever build you want as long as you can respec