This looks like a crinkled coke carton

OMG SAME. I had a super toxic boss who always said this so it’s extra triggering

Probably because Daryl Ann looked like a total slob in her oversized black Tshirt and messy bun lol she can’t put in a modicum of effort

I feel like 805 and DUD would go no contact lol they’re way too straight edge to tolerate that

I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, this is cringe

LMAO that was me. My jaw actually dropped

Did anyone else notice the way Dani Austin was absolutely manhandling her Dyson vacuum during the unboxing? At first she was just tossing the attachments on the the floor and clanking them together, but then she literally just let it fall to the floor from a standing position. The icing on top is when she asked her kids if they wanted to come play with the new vacuum ☠️ It’s giving Kanye west holding a MacBook

She takes any kind of negative feedback as bullying and she’s not going to “address the haters”

I was just scrolling through my Twitter feed and saw her getting absolutely dragged

There’s always a LOT of swelling the first day after getting lip injections, it’s way too soon to tell if they’re too big. Especially considering her filler usually evaporates after a week ☠️

I’m n3, and if she plays these after last night I will literally throw up

I love this song SO much! My best friend and I are manifesting it for secret song met life night 3 🥲 lol it was “our song” back in high school. We’ve been listening to taylor swift for over 15 years

If she’s waiting until it’s dark for a Times Square ad she’s not going to get the footage she was hoping for because it is about to DOWNPOUR lol

It’s by far my favorite dry shampoo, for me it works significantly better than others I’ve tried. I agree the smell isn’t great, and it’s so expensive for dry shampoo, but a lot of the cheaper options don’t actually work for me and make my scalp really itchy. I have really fine, oily hair, but living proof lets me get away with fewer washes

Lmao yes I gasped too!! And had the same thought process. Obviously remi doesn’t know better, but she was literally instructing Rhett to touch it. I couldn’t believe my eyes lol

Omg she is NOT putting her fingers all over those butterflies… and encouraging her children to touch them too 🤯

Maybe I’m reaching, but the first thing I did when I saw the stories of them making fun of the way people talk was look to make sure kaylee’s boyfriend connor wasn’t around. He has a lisp and while I’m sure he’d be a good sport, that can’t feel good