Sounds like a lot of people on this thread haven’t had an overzealous manager that monitors every single goddamned beverage in the restaurant and calls out the servers for not getting stupid refills fast enough when they see a drink that’s only half full…. . . . . . . . …I swear I’m gonna burn this place down….

Well the bars never close there…nearly every single one of my friends there has had a DUI. I loved my time there, but I wouldn’t recommend it to an alcoholic. Wish you the best though!

I miss mine all the time and really regret not being able to see them much in their last years. If I had the choice now of having a new truck or one more dinner with my grandparents, I know what I would choose. I’m sorry you were made to feel less than, but I’m sure they love you just as much.

Must be nice having grandparents to make feel bad…

I spent my entire 20s in Vegas, then moved to Orlando for 7 years and then back to Vegas again—loved my time in both cities …but if temptation is a problem for you, then I would avoid those places like the plague

“I see you’re left-handed…you’ll need to get some left-handed pour spouts…Go ask the main bar if they have any”

“It’s a part of our closing sidework—gotta drain all the water out of the coffee machine so bacteria doesn’t grow!”

…just to name a couple

Thanks bud, but I just saw an opportunity for some Ludicris and I took it. Nothing more…

Can’t turn a hoe into a housewife! Hoes don’t act right.

Looks like he got away and most likely made a full recovery

Green day/rancid/smashing pumpkins @globe life field playing on 9/11 and rise against 11/8 @HOB to name a couple…

We’ll pull out of NATO, thereby allowing your boy Putin to run roughshod across Eastern Europe if trump has his way. Good god, you MAGAts are such bitch ass cowards…scared of your own damn shadows…

Hopefully we can all buy one for ourselves when this is all said and done!

I feel the same way about my punk shows…wife and/or kids would sooner die than go to one…sigh

You found a way to confuse me even more. Bravo!

I have a little clear rubbermaid tub with every wire that ever came with anything. Lots of coaxial that I’m sure i’ll never need…also keep any extra nails/screws that come with something that needs to be built