I can't understand why he feels like he has a drained social battery.

You don't want to know what this specimen does when cameras arent on. Trust me.

Thailand does a pretty good job at this.

The police show up and just listen to the locals, they don't give a fuck about the tourists side of things.

I haven't seen every single destiny debate but I don't remember many if any L's.

Its not Quebecois.

The production company is Transgressive Production from france and the production is from FR.

The main actor is a Kosovan-born French which would explain why he spotted the accent.

Most of the other actors seem to be from france.

I think he is saying he worked at a business that suffered from bad actors working on the inside.

I don't think he is saying he was up against the lizard squad.

I've saved the broth from for example a Mississippi Pot Roast but I genuinely don't know what to do with it other than pour it on the meat the next day.

I don't really get enough to use it for a soup or a stock replacement. What do you guys recommend?

Falcon 9 WIKI

"According to NASA's own independently verified numbers, SpaceX's development costs of both the Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 rockets were estimated at approximately $390 million in total."

The falcon 1 & 9 rocket development cost estimated $400 million to produce and costs around 67$ million to launch.

So to put it into perspective. They could have developed and designed a self landing spaceship for less.

Because you can use VNC. You really need an example on a limitless operating system?

Good I hope more DE enviroments are worked on, whether it be lightweight or heavy weight.

If its lightweight I want the lowest imprint and best performance for my headless servers.

For my desktop I want the prettiest smoothest ride I can get.

I'll give TDE a shot on one of my servers sometime to see how it runs compared to xfce

Why does CJNG have such a hard on for Los Viagras?

Remeber like a year or two ago when all the youth in Iran were rebelling against the hijab and whatever and were going around smacking the turbans off men in public and recording it? What the hell happened to that.

Taylor literally watches youtube videos about salting fish and shoots a bow in his backyard occasionally. He's just here to make you laugh, hes not your leader. Lead yourself, don't be a lost puppy.

Stav isn't funny. I've listened to enough cumtown to stand by this opinion. TAFS is so much better because he's not on it.

There are plenty of uses for options with sudo, for example shell scripts.

In regards to sudo plugins. There is capability in it, but i do agree that it increases risk.

I think actually thats the way I do it too. I haven't done it in a while. I cook the mushrooms then deglaze with white wine then add the rice and chicken stock then pressure cook for 7 minutes. Then I add the Parmesan at the end.

I've made the risotto in an instant pot by pressure cooking it. I did the sauteing with mushrooms, wine and Parmesan after it was fluffed up in the instapot.

Some nerd told me centrifugal force doesn't actually exist. Can one of you internet nerds tell me if this is true?