If you want some tweaks to that printer let me know. I've been running the Monoprice knockoff for years now and I feel like I've got it really dialed in. It will never be as fast as a bambu (without replacing all the guts for $$$) but with a few changes it can be much faster and better at printing than stock.

Have you printed the "super struts"? Ender 5 and 5 Pro get that bounce from speed but supposedly the super struts increase bed strength. I haven't tried them on my 5 pro yet but I have seen the bouncing on infill if I go over 90mm/s or so. I believe I have "avoid printed parts on travel" turned on in Cura so I don't see the bouncing during travel, only infill.

Cura has a "Retraction extra prime amount" that can try to compensate for oozing after a long travel. I have seen that improve the seam after travels.

Increasing your travel speed will help as well - less time oozing means less underextrusion after the move.

Looks like that code only works for 1 roll, 1 order. Adding a second roll (same color or different) doesn't increase the discount.

To cut printing time I run my printers as fast as they can go. Make that hotend dance!

One more thing - I've found I can't run PETG the same speed as PLA. I run my PETG prints at 45mm/s or slower, any higher than that (even at 45) I start to see real print issues. I wish I could run it faster, but I haven't been able to yet!

Speed Exceeds!

I am excited to get a larger printer. My old monoprice and Ender 5 are nice, but not big enough for all the ideas I have!

ALL3DP gave that endorsement. I bet my kids would love something easy to learn so they don't need to bug me to start prints!

I ran a Ubiquiti Nanostation M5 as my wired "adapter" for a month or so. Set up in the same room (basement) as the router. Only limitation I saw was being capped by the 100Mbps port on the Nanostation! For accurate speed tests I had to use wifi then, now my network is wired in with the official ethernet adapter.

I did a cube with a rotating base last year for Christmas: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2438323

It uses lights like these in the base. https://www.amazon.com/Accessory-Cord-One-Light-Bulb/dp/B07W726LD5/

Check your fit on lithos, corners*, and lamps before getting too committed, but if you get it to work you can do 5 different lithophanes in 1 box and all get lit evenly!

That might be too much printing if the funeral is coming up soon - I know my lithos take 12-14 hours each and the box takes 28-30 if I remember right...

*the litho box corners have a 3mm wide slot but itslitho.com defaults to 4mm thick. The corners and the round base were out of sync at one point (mentioned in the comments) but I think the frame all fits together correctly now.

I ran off kit cards most of last November as stocking stuffers. Mostly star wars, but there are a lot of kit cards out there.

Search for "articulated" on the regular 3d files sites. Slug, butterfly, Flexy T-rex, horse, snake, etc.

I've done birdhouses (in PETG for better weather resistance), fidget cubes, etc.

Nerf guns from Captain Slug: http://captainslug.com/

Probably not as dramatic as the internet says (myself included), but the original board struggles to provide enough power to the heated bed. It can melt down and kill the heated bed part of the printer. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HEQVQAK takes the big power draw off the main board. PM me if you want to fall down a rabbit hole of upgrades for your printer!

I've got the same printer with 3x the hours and filament on it. Added Z braces, better cooling fans and a mostfet board early on and it runs like a champ.

Just recently changed to a micro swiss hot end, not due to problems but because I wanted to print in PETG. That printer is surprisingly competent, even by today's standards.


You DID add a mosfet board for the bed heating element, right? If not you've got a ticking time bomb on your hands.

I ordered an Ender 5 Pro refurb direct from them last Oct/Nov. Shipping was average speed, printer was fantastic. There were some scratches on the frame, otherwise it looked and printed like new.

Very happy with a nearly new 5 Pro for $230!


I went through 3/4 of a roll of their gray printing Star Wars kit cards for gifts, looking forward to burning through this roll as well!