If you set up an accrued payroll account and do the JE properly, not being able to debit or credit cash is irrelevant. You can do the accounting properly in Xero running payroll in any other software. Code the transactions hitting the bank to the accrued payroll account, and then make your JE with the QBO JE (debit salaries, credit credit accrued payroll for the net pay, credit accrual payroll for employee and employer taxes, and debit payroll tax expense for deductible portion of employer tax expense. This JE will zero out every time if done properly.

It’s very, very normal to struggle getting information from clients. You must setup systems where you do NOT them on a frequent basis: recurring billing so you automatically get paid on the same day of every month, read-only access to their business bank and/or CC accounts, and as much automation as possible so that doing their work becomes done mostly by bank rules within QBO and such. Probably not going to work for this client right now, but my two cents for future clients you choose to service.

I can confirm that by 11:02 a.m. yesterday all the lilac crops and split shorts were sold out. Like, how is that even possible? 120 seconds after access was open!

For a complete financial picture of how your company is performing, you REALLY need to understand the balance sheet. There’s nothing you’ve mentioned that Xero doesn’t do as well as if not better than QBO.

Keep the S/T payable as a debit balance and credit it each month as the state does, or make it a due from/receivable and track it there. Make sure the penalties hit only the P&L, tho.

I started it today and am almost finished! What are your questions? I’m so curious!

Which lens for mountain running?General Question

What is the best Oakley lens for running/hiking at high altitude in the daytime & fully exposed to the sun?

You can get a CBC from your PCP for free and if you want additional markers like a full iron panel, Vitamin D, etc., just ask. And then make sure either you or someone who knows what they are looking for (for runners/endurance athletes) reads the results.

What type of business? And, what does year-end look like for you? Do you prepare your own financials or does someone do it for you? I’ve built a whole firm off Xero. We have clients on it who have $100k sales per year and others that have $40mm and everything in between, but agree with others that if all you need to do is invoice then it’s Freshbooks all the way.

I own a firm and we invoice all clients on Bill and have a few clients who also use Bill for their payables. It’s amazing as long as it’s setup correctly. 90% of our invoices are recurring.

This is stunning, but probably way over budget.

This is awesome. I definitely have to get an L shaped desk because I do sometimes meet with clients at home. Thank you for your help!

She said she plans to run a fall marathon. A road marathon.


A LOT! I started my own firm 23 months ago, and I made 130% of what I made as an employee in the first two months of this year! My two cents: (1) get experience at a small or medium sized firm that does everything. Learn it all: payroll, write-up/accounting, and tax; (2) focus on what you love doing as you build out your own practice so that work is fun; (3) hire really good people to fill in your biggest weakness (for me, mine is tax); (4) technology is your friend: automate everything!; and (5) be very picky about which clients you choose to work with.

At this point, the income is amazing but also less relevant than both my quality of life (amazing!!) and really loving what we do and how we can help our clients.

Drink tons of water. As soon as you feel like you can’t stop peeing, the bloat will subside. Every RD I’ve heard speak on this topic says it’s totally normal, but I agree it’s frustrating! I ran a marathon yesterday and up 8 lbs. I also know that in a week or so, it will all work itself out.

Everything was under embargo until yesterday. They planned it to be just like this.

Before you dive into the science of it all, the most helpful thing you can do is sweat test. You’ll want to measure both your liquid loss per hour as well as that liquids’s concentration of salt. Once you have those numbers, it becomes much more of just a formula in terms of what you drink and how much you drink.

Do you guys export corporate returns directly from Xero into a tax software? ProSeries?