🚀 smoke hedgies every day 🚀


I change mine when I feel they need changing or if they break. That could be after one or two days of use if I'm recording or gigging, or it could be because one string broke after a few months of use. If it's been more than 3 or 4 months it's probably because I'm not using that guitar at the moment.

Oh come on. You're upset at your friend's parents for not asking about your music? Who do you think you are? Hahaha. No one on Reddit gives two shits about your music either. Same goes for most people you know. What do you expect? This has to be joke...

This person isn't even talking about their own parents though. It was their friend's parents! Wtf lol.

I remember watching the Lazar documentary on netflix that Corbell made, before I'd really heard of either of them before. It was pretty obvious from the start of that, that Corbell is mainly interested in attaching himself to everything and making stuff about himself. He didn't really need to be in that documentary, it added nothing including himself in it.

Then I saw him on Joe Rogan as well and man he was so irritating, constantly interrupting and just generally coming across like a needy child.

I started out playing indie/britpop/grunge/pop punk kind of stuff. A lot of those kinds of songs are fairly easy and can be played on electric or acoustic, usually using basic open chords or power chords, not a lot of lead and single notes stuff. So they're generally great for learning basics.

You say you don't want to learn 'old music'. Well if you want to learn the guitar then surely you can learn a few songs you're not that into, since the satisfaction of learning and making progress is the most important thing. Once you get past the initial phases of struggling on everything, then you can be a bit more choosey about what songs you learn.

But obviously don't get too bogged down trying to learn a song you don't enjoy playing.

You don't say what style you're trying to play, but I'm sure there are songs in that style you'd be able to learn. Even if every song you attempt is too hard, it's better to try than not at all. You can probably learn something from it and even if you can only do one or two sections of the song, come back months later and try again. If you're making progress you'll be better each time you try it.

Sing melodies over the chords. Then play what you're singing. This is basically what I do in my head when I improvise leads. If you can't think of the rhythm and melody you're trying to play then your hands won't do it either. Start slowly and leave space between the phrases you play.

Other things you can learn to help your playing sound more musical are modes (essentially just scales but if you know modes it helps a lot with improvising), and arpeggios.

Also put time into learning a lot of other people's solos. Then you can imitate and borrow from their ideas, take parts of their style and incorporate it into your own.

All these things will help you become a better player and more musical when improvising.

I love mine. I have two of them, neither have big issues with going out of tune for me, and I do occasionally get fairly aggressive with them. More in the style of Adrian Belew or Van Halen than proper divebombing though.

I like the options for having more expressions available to me and I don't really find it any more trouble than my guitars without floating trems

You can find the same guitar in a shop closer to you and go try it out. You can ask the shop first to check they'll have it in stock, as sometimes they might have it in their warehouse or something but are usually happy to bring it in for you.

Otherwise, you don't get to try it. That's it really.

I was always worried about that and thought buying online seemed like a terrible idea. But I've bought 2 guitars this way in the past 2 years. The first one I'm really happy with and it's my main guitar now. The 2nd one I was mainly buying as a backup anyway, and I do like it for some stuff, but if I'd played it first I might have gone for something else. It was a gamble I was willing to take and if I want I can just sell it on.

I've played guitar for 25+ years and never really done it. I've tweaked the intonation occasionally, but if I want the truss rod adjusted and generally a good job done on the whole thing, I just pay the money for someone good to sort it for me. Bit of a lame answer, but I'm lazy and always seem to fuck things like that up if I try doing it myself, so I'd rather not bother.

this is less a question about guitars and more a question of how to deal with overbearing, psychotic parents. Maybe go ask in a more relevant sub about that...

I would simply say that my parents didn't want me to do a bunch of things, but I told them I was doing it anyway. Nothing really happened. They still love me, they didn't kick me out. Just do what you want to do, especially if it's something as normal and harmless as wanting to play electric guitar. With mine it was more things to do with drinking/drugs/smoking and having girls staying round our house when I was a teenager. So tbh, fair enough from my parents, they just wanted normal things that parents want. Your parents sound a lot worse, and the sooner you stop putting up with bullshit like that the better off you'll be.

If they can't be reasoned with, do your best to move out and not have to put up with unreasonable people.

absolutely agree on option paralysis as well. Not only that but put all that into a live setting and there's just a ton more technical problems that you could have. I already have enough of those thank you haha

I don't know if I would say I'm a snob... I'm not really an expert when it comes to amps. But I know what I like the sound and feel of.

I use amp sims for home recording and doing stuff at lower volumes. It's very convenient and these days you can certainly get better sounds than when I started out home recording about 20 years ago.

But for me there's no replacement when it comes to rehearsals and gigs. I've seen touring bands recently playing without amps, and people saying you can't tell the difference are just lying! The last one I saw was a band I was really excited to see, but live their sound was just crap. No punch, too quiet, too compressed. It basically sounded like listening to their album played over the PA. I couldn't 'feel' the music at all, and this was a brutal death metal band I'm talking about... usually you can feel this sort of music vibrating through the whole room and your body :D
Perhaps this was a venue issue, or soundman issue, I don't know. But I know when I see bands playing with real amps it sounds a lot different what I experienced in the gig I'm talking about.

For me, I wouldn't ever want to stop playing with an amp through a cab. If that makes me a snob then I guess I'm a snob. I would prefer a solid state amp to using digital stuff for a live/rehearsal scenario, as I used to have an awesome Randall stack that sounded amazing. These days I'm a 6505 or Marshall player.

well it depends. If you post about checking out your music once or twice a year when you have new music...
But if you're posting something every day just to post then sure you have to mix it up. But personally I don't think posting just for the sake of posting something is worth the time and effort, I'd rather spend the time focusing on the music than trying to make numbers on an app go up.
Depends what you're trying to do though I suppose and what kind of audience you want to reach.

whether it's a song or a solo or just a tough lick, you probably won't get something down accurately if you don't break it into small parts. That might be a whole bar, or just one beat of the bar, it depends how complex it is or how difficult you find it. Not only that but I also slow things right down, so if I want to learn a tough solo that is played at high speed, I'll listen to the track at 50% speed and slowly put it up incrementally until I can play along with it perfectly at 100%. If you can't do it at 50/75% then you won't be able to do it at 100% speed either.

I suppose it's because of this irritating culture of needing to post stuff on a daily basis. Everyone is just trying to spam everyone and get 'engagement'. God I hate it, haha.

My band posts something if we have something worthy to post about. But we have barely any followers, so yeah.

edit: there was a point a few years back when we were paying someone to manage our releases and pages. They weren't posting memes, but the amount of boring posts they made, even I got annoyed at following my band as there was a post every day or two with nothing new on it, just another post about our EP we'd released weeks/months ago.

I have only had the game a short while, with no dlcs yet either, but although I've had a few crashes since I started playing, it's never caused me a problem other than having to load the game up again. It's usually crashed when I was loading my save file. So far I've not experienced any other crash or noticed anything particularly buggy or anything like that.

So tbh for me the game seems to be pretty solid, compared to plenty of other games I have on ps5. You said that other games don't crash as much... I have at least a few that are way worse than this!

Even CK3 that I also play on ps5... that game seems unfinished, really fucking buggy, and generally not that polished compared to Stellaris on console.

Also I absolutely love Civ and I've played about 2k hours on console with that. That game crashes far more than any other game I've ever played and I've had a lot of time wasted by that game really.

So basically from what I've seen so far, Stellaris on console seems pretty good to me. Maybe it's worse when you have the dlcs, I can't say.

:10: Dennis Bergkamp

don't really understand why someone would downvote this, it's a genuine question. I obviously think he should be, I was just surprised at the wording saying he's about to become one of the best paid, when I would have expected he is already?

I started a band with some mates from school when we were 14/15. I'd been playing for about 1-2 years. We didn't have a bass player lol, and we only played covers. It was more just a reason to have friends over and get drunk and stoned and mess around with our instruments. We played 2 'gigs'... Both parties at my house when I was 16.

I was already pretty decent at playing after about 2 years and I was getting better all the time back then as I played for hours and hours every day.

I started a 'real' band a couple of years later with a friend I met in college. I'm still in a version of that band years and years later, though the other people have all changed numerous times, along with the name and style of music.

I wouldn't say we felt ready to play live, we just started doing it as soon as we had a set to play. At the beginning that was a couple of original songs and a few covers. It didn't take long for it to be all original songs, and we were doing gigs in the local music scene by the time I was 20.

I only bought the game recently so I've not actually gotten to the late game at all yet, so i can't comment on that. But I have had the game crash maybe 4/5 times in about 20 hours of playing. It's usually when I click to load my save file or during the loading.

I haven't noticed any other bugs or performance issues really. Perhaps I will when I eventually reach the late game on a save file.

Wait til you see the urinals that are just one big one and there's 20 guys all shoulder to shoulder pissing at the same time.