I don’t mean to be rude here, but you avoided the conversation to avoid him thinking that you are asking for commitment so soon, but you are in fact looking for commitment so soon. You want him to commit to only having sex with you until you figure out if it will or will not work out. That is a commitment of sorts and you’re well within your rights to ask for that. To pretend like you’re not looking for commitment and monogamy right off the bat is immature, be honest with yourself and honest with your future dating partners right off the bat and you can avoid this.

New Subredditor :snoo_dealwithit:

Honestly they didn’t have any decent choices. The guys that were brought in for casa amor were such sad options. Girls got done dirty by their men and the producers 😂

New Subredditor :snoo_dealwithit:

Lmfaooo! Same I read it out loud to my boyfriend 😂😂😂😂

New Subredditor :snoo_dealwithit:

10000%! I just think Serena isn’t sure and jordell is so daia seems like the easy option

New Subredditor :snoo_dealwithit:

I still don’t honestly believe that Serena is all in for Kordell, the girls did NOT get great options in their casa week. I think Aaron will realize he was thinking with his little brain as soon as he’s back around Kaylor and I HOPE she doesn’t give him a chance. He is clearly physically infatuated with Daniella- understand she’s a bombshell- but I don’t see the same chemistry and connection that he had with Kaylor. Just my 2(,000) cents.

He didn’t like that people (myself included) were saying his wife is equally as if not more guilty of the flirting so he’s trying and trying again. Annoying. Don’t post on Reddit if you don’t want peoples actual opinions.

New Subredditor :snoo_dealwithit:

I’m making my boyfriend watch it with me every night and as SOON as Aaron and Kaylor seemed strong I predicted that “casa would break Aaron” my bf has never seen the show before and didn’t believe me at all…. I won that bet fair and square.

If anything your wife is flirting with her coworker. Assuming she’s the purple text

You cannot and should not come back from this. Kids and credit are excuses for you staying and working out a relationship with someone that does NOT LOVE YOU the way you love him and deserve. I know it’s more complicated than just leaving, I know that. But if you stay with him you are being fearful and letting that control your life. Trust is gone, he showed you what you meant to him and lied repeatedly. Get out now. Would you want your child with a partner that could do that to them?

Maybe he didn’t like the pic?

This! If it’s the man you’re supposed to marry then you will, but DONT RUSH IT.


I also remember spire doley (no idea on the spelling) 😂😂

I worked with polish people for a summer when I was 16. Kurwa=bitch, correct?

So basically… even though everyone told you that YOU were wrong and the AH on this situation, you updated to let us know that your wife reconsidered and acknowledges she did something wrong when in fact she didn’t and you learned nothing? Cool dude, so glad we got this update. Also your friends wife that was uncomfortable is projecting her insecurities onto your wife and making her feel bad for no appropriate reason. You and your friend group annoy the heck out of me.

Idk about that but I know it makes it near impossible to orgasm

Honestly… I was seriously asking lol