The "Ask This Old House" show just did a segment on individual replacing bathroom tiles. It was one of the last shows of this season. It's a DYI if you can watch a video and follow directions.

Not gonna hold my breath, but it would be great if teachers started using this as a teaching moment. Like, this is how trump broke all the commandments.

The $1 credit card charge is a security step -in addition to a little revenue.

And the Celtics -and every other team - can have injury issues too.

You could've asked for a temporary hardship waiver- or explained that you will be having a housesitter for a limited time. Now, you will be seen as less than trustworthy about it. I can imagine it can be hard to hide a new person living in your place. Even if the neighbors aren't looking to "out" you, there would be the normal curiosity to ask around to see if you sold or moved out. Word gets around.

Granted, things might've changed over the last few years but you may have some more say in the matter. The USPS wants as few door to door deliveries and as many cluster boxes as they can get away with. It makes sense since there are over a million new delivery spots added every year and less and less workers to deliver to them. If the Postmaster is fabricating a bs reason for trying to force the change, get your congressman involved. If the cluster box plan is unreasonable or too much of a burden on older residents, get your congressman involved on your behalf.

He's running to keep out of prison and scam some more money while he's at it.

Not a plumber, but you probably should turn down the heat to the water heater. If you have a vacation setting, use that.

Bones will be quiet. Food will be great. Service is top notch. You'll pay $ for it.

There's a book "BEATLESONGS" by William J. Dowling that has that info. He doesn't break down the models of the guitars and other instruments though.

I have a lot to look in to here. Thanks. I would think that there is a big opportunity for consulting services (that aren't trying to sell you something) for all the condos and apartments who are trying to manage the current and future demand for ev chargers.

If you're looking to get rid of the rat, I found something that worked 100% for me. I used chicken wire to make a round cage over the hole. Attached a chicken wire top to it. Put a heavy weight on top to keep it from being pushed around. Placed a baited rat trap inside it. The rat comes out, has very limited space to move around and can't help but run in to the trap. It worked better that anything else I tried.

Typo, there. I meant to say "I have no idea..."


Thanks. U have no idea what that means but I'll look in to it. At first look, it appears that the electrical draw will be monitored and limited based on how much electricity is being used at that time? Am I on the right track?

He was in 5 movies, all nominated for best picture. Who can beat that?

We have individual level 2 charges installed in our garage by residents. They pay for the installation, of course, but part of that is adding a meter. The meter is read at the beginning and end of the year and the users pay based on the current electrical rate. We do have limited capacity to add more though.

A lot of homes had really long telephone cords, or they started out not so long and got stretched out over time, other things could get done while talking on the phone

I wish Teslas had more buttons but most things can be done with voice commands, since that helps some. Buttons/knobs etc would be better tho.

I was a letter carrier in my younger days and I really tried get to 100% accuracy on deliveries, which is near impossible. You would have one family last name get almost all the mail and then a different name shows up. It could be a name from 20 years ago or the mother in law's name who just moved in. There will always be people who write nasty notes like "you idiot, this person moved 20 years ago!" It happens. Your carrier is probably just trying to do a good job.

Trump was obviously on something during the debate with Hillary. He was sniffling the whole time and prowling around her, couldn't stand still.

We have an official email list for official Board messages but some residents asked about and we're given the ok to start an unofficial google groups email group. Residents can opt in or not. It's for neighbor to neighbor things like " I'm looking for a new dentist, anyone have 1 that they'd recommend?"

This happened to me, granted on a much less serious level. My wife and I were hiking on a trail. She was just in front of me. The trail took a turn and at that turn she saw a grizzly running towards us on the trail from the opposite direction. She grabbed me and spun me in front. Now I'm looking at a big grizz, about 40 feet away. He stopped, we stopped. I grabbed my bear spray. He walked off the trail in to the brush. We backed up to another couple who had been a ways behind us. They had bear spray too. We couldn't tell how far the bear had gone but we held on to the bear spray for dear life. I ask her who her hero is.