What brew method are you using? Did you buy it in a supermarket? Hard to say without knowing some more variables.

My daughter has had at least five U6 games washed out - I think they’ve played five. There has been a significant increase of girls registering for the local club which has had a flow on to availability of all weather pitches.

AU trying to tell us something?

Good god man - I’m just coming back from COVID and it felt almost impossible to lift 80 this morning. Massive respect.

Danny fuckin’ Townsend. That you Danny? You fuckin’ tip rat.

Yes - I park as far away from everyone as I possibly can. Still cop minor marks/paint transfer/trolley handles…

Bought my current car about 12 months ago and have roughly one new mark (thankfully all tiny) for each month of ownership :-/

How the birds got their colours is one of the first picture books I remember.

There are some wild versions of the rainbow snake stories.

Another favourite of mine was Tidalik the frog.

Nostalgia? This is absolutely what my kid copped for their 5th birthday.

:nrl: I love my footy

I don’t think it’s very often that Buzz can be considered the barometer of morality, but here we are.

It certainly wasn’t successful - it was initially banned in the UK before being allowed to air after 9 pm. I think it was also banned in Canada, and restricted in some other places.

Then I found this on the wiki article: In New Zealand, the TVNZ series Facelift parodied Australia's treatment of turban-wearing people ("we've kicked out all the dirty towelheads") and Aboriginal people ("we've sent the cops up north to steal their grog and porn mags") ending with the question "so if you're not a wog or a chink or some other dirty towelhead, where the bloody hell are you?" The Coromandel region also released a parody with the words, "We're bloody well in the Coromandel."

I’m a teacher-unionist in NSW. It was really concerning to watch those negotiations play out - the salary increase was pitiful, even if the workload provisions were considerable. To see AEU VIC cheerleading for that salary increase felt nuts.

One of the things that got us major wins in terms of salaries last year was defying the “ban” on strikes, and doing it repeatedly in the lead up to the state election. Rank and file organising helped keep up pressure on union leadership to move towards this action, but it took a bloody long time and needed a change of government. Can’t imagine a change of government in Victoria would be good for Victorian teachers.

:nrl: I love my footy

I’ve been 131kgs. Not in a good way or anything. It’s uncomfortable for the most part.

Maaaaate - that’s quite interesting. I’m only five years younger than you and things were definitely different. Occasionally a kid would say they got christened/baptised, but it was barely a thing. No one I knew was a regular churchgoer.

Also, my grandfather was a staunch atheist. Nominally, he was Anglican, and the only thing he hated more than the Anglican clergy was the Catholic Church.

Just some minor condensation really.

It’s a scam - I repeatedly see this exact ad with these exact photos in Sydney, NSW. It’s always posted by fairly new profiles that have no prior activity, i.e., they are clone profiles.

Do not go.

10+ years ago there were always t-shirt stalls at music festivals that sold Grug shirts.

Looks like tailor to me. Happy to be corrected though.

I’ve caught loads of small ones around Middle Harbour before. Good eating and can get reasonably large. My old man used to love going after them from the beach.

Maresca preferred Vestergard and Faes - I can’t find anything beyond that. I thought big Harry performed reasonably well in a poor Leicester team when they were relegated, but Maresca obviously didn’t rate him. Seems he played fine when given a few chances in a cup tie and a handful of league matches.