Next time you're ready, I'll go motorboating with you

I would consider meditation and having a counselor. I think it's very important to observe the beauty of the world every day even when it's hard to see it

You're too good for bumble

😂 nothing. But you're trying to get a date. Introduce the cat later

I think you need to build into yourself and a gym or fitness group is a great place to start. Find those people who you want to be like and hang around with them. It will be very tough not to emotionally vomit on people bc of the loneliness but let any new friends lead you in what they are ready to hear about your situation. I will also suggest finding a good counselor, everyone needs one. Here's the good: you have your whole life ahead of you and there's so many people who can't wait to meet you for the first time. They need a friend too.

Sounds like he drugged you in one of those 2 drinks. 100% chance you aren't his only victim or his buddies.

My opinion is they're her kids BUT you still have to live in the house with them and need to have a say so in your roommates at the very basic level. On the flip side, it's probably tough at some point seeing the little kids you care about not being parented. You're in their lives, you can still speak to how they're being raised. The same way I can speak to my sister about her kids. She doesn't have to listen but I am free to share my thoughts.

Say "flattery is all you're looking for? I have a lot more to give you than that"

Everyone knows it's a dinglehopper

That's probably not it.. But I do agree orcas are badass

Come on man... You say "i can help with both of those but my legs are pretty tired at the moment"

I can't swim. I need to borrow your floaties

No. Bc you're there and I'm here. That's a silly question

You have no connection to this chick. If you feel hesitant at all then bail. The lack of trust and insecurity will only heighten. I'd be more concerned about the "i controlled myself" part. Are there times where that's hard for her?

I'm gonna need a close up look to determine