I just can’t imagine it’s easy to get a good grip on those things strings and it’s out in one yank. What if it is imbedded a bit after 10 years? I just am so anxious about it. Sorry you prob don’t need to hear these things lol

Everybody is talking about how awful the insertion was. Mine was very very unpleasant as well. Im nearing the time I need it taken out. Was it just as bad? I’m really in my head about this. I don’t even handle paps well. I’ve been advised to get my cervix burned but I can’t bring myself to make the appointment.

Kaminskis is more of a steak house than a supper club I thought.

I mean controversy is good for ratings. You’re not going to win this one with a morality argument.

Yeah I believe you. I remember reading about this when it first came out. Just doesn’t surprise to have so many drop out of a med trial for treating addiction lol

You cannot be clean to enter a methadone clinic for MAT purposes. You must have the drug in your system. Also, you can work with your doc to slowly detox so it’s relatively painless.

The downside is having to go daily till you can get take homes. Transportation is a big issue for many especially in smaller towns. My old clinic bought an RV they took north to help with this issue. It had nurses, dosing and UA all on the RV. They should also allow pharmacies to dispense like in Canada.

The other downside for me was being scared of being dependent on something indefinitely. I was always worried about what ifs & not being able to get my dose. I eventually got 2 weeks of take homes before I weaned off. Even that didn’t quiet my mind much.

Those people that dropped out may not have been ready to quit. Simple as that. Addiction and the brain is absolutely fascinating. No matter how much you have help to get through the physical, you’re still going to have the mental aspect of it.

That’s called addiction and is a disease. I hope it’s treated with compassion.

SIA is one of my go tos for this and I’m not a huge fan but she knows how to send a message of empowerment. - Unstoppable - titanium -bird set free

Just a few I can think of rn. & totally appropriate for a tween

I mean she’s only been begging for your attention the entire season of the valley. Good for her to get it elsewhere.

The mushrooms don’t get slimy? Which kind do you use? This sounds great!

I’ll forever wear my Birkenstocks. They’re so comfortable. They go with anything. To me they can be dressed up or down. I don’t wear a heal because I never wanted to be taller growing up and now have no idea how to walk in them lol they last forever too!

I have a dusty purple pair this summer and get compliments all the time.

Every time I see valley village my brain reads value village .

Same! Sometimes I second guess myself because I still struggle but then I think about the decades I was under the care of a doctor and they really weren’t any better. I’m learning to appreciate all my feelings even when they are really really difficult. Sometimes I question if I really was bipolar or if it’s other biological things.

Either way it’s nice to hear another person who feels this way. Most people in my life would tell me I should be medicated with a BPD2 diagnosis so I don’t talk about it much.

Idc if others find it crazy but I’m more and more accepting that my thoughts create my reality and I have the power to change it for the better. It’s better to believe something so “crazy” & feel it working than be stuck in neutral on pills accepting this is just how it is.

This is the way to go, OP! I got a new key fob for $80 when mine stopped working. Some will let you purchase the fob and they’ll cut/program for a little cheaper but they don’t guarantee it’ll work so I did the option of them ordering it. I was originally quoted $140 but after he finished they said it would only be $80. So I gave the guy a $20 tip.

I can relate to many of these but I always joke with my family that my nightstand and what’s on it is a direct correlation to my mental health. Empty water bottles and dishes? Clutter? I’m in a depressed state.

So question.. I am in the same situation as OP and decided on HYSA. That 4.5%, let’s say it changes next month to 3% am I locked in at the 4.5% for the year or do I need to keep an eye on it and move it around should it go down?

Thanks for your time. Trying to learn.

Omg I’m so happy for you!! Great news. Cops find it?

I’ll keep an eye out up in Madison. Either way EF will be a good escape and enjoy yourself. I’m jealous!

Pretty lights fam 🫶 hoping the best for you!!

As much as I’d love to not have to do my hair I find it is my security blanket. I rarely even wear it up it’s so bad. But it helps my mental health and so it stays. When I’m older (senior) I’m sure I’ll opt for a shorter style but for now it stays.