You don't understand what capitalism is that's the real problem.

Sure, why not? Plenty of competition to the 407! You can take your shitty socialist public transit, or your shitty socialist congested roads and highways!

Socialist highways are such a weird concept for me lol.

because Reddit mods are jobless losers who have nothing better to do, living in their mother's basement.

Even with no traffic people like to block all the lines so no one can pass!

Wrong. The Van cut the dude off AFTER the turn. The left-turner was already in the left lane and the right-hand turner cut him off AFTER the turn.

Wrong. There were two lanes, the white van should have turned into the right line and stayed there until OP passed.

imagine if all those people on the train were in cars. You would be in traffic for 15 hours

You can be right or you can be dead right. You should both do better to avoid this kind of accident in the future.

If you think you have any part of the house, you don't. Even if you get your name on the house I would advise against doing so until you are married.

True, you should move to Thailand and get a 400k remote job in the US. Why didn't I think of that?

How much is the house worth? If you can sell the house and wipe out the debt then do it.

Broo wuutt? it's called a phantom traffic jam??

That is what happened here. The only reason the traffic slowed down in the first place is because people stop/slow down to switch exits at the last minute.

If you want to call braking not at the threshold that then sure.

There's no such thing as manual Threshold braking. You're either leaving braking on the table or over-braking and locking up the tires. ABS keep you exactly at the real "threshold" breaking point.

When you lock up your tires and you are slipping you are actually slowing down slower.