:flag-ru: :flag-ru-kya: Krasnoyarsk Krai

German Gref (or Hermann Gräf), the head of Russia's largest bank, comes from a German-speaking family.

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-kya: Krasnoyarsk Krai

AFAIK Sochi has a problem with treatment of wastewater, so the sea there can be 'smelly'.

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-kya: Krasnoyarsk Krai

Please consider that the current war was started by imperialists in order to commit genocidal conquest of Russian lands, and for ten years they stubbornly refuse to consider any other option by a big bloodbath, and at the same time they cannot even explain why they are so fixed on massacring innocent people, and it won't look odd.

This one looks nearly perfect, but I suppose the first-choice glyph should be Е, and Э should be used only when Е is used for something else.

All the Western propaganda and politicians were working on supporting the upcoming invasion of Russian regions months before it happened. And it was apparent to everyone that Russia will be forced to react. Don't pretend that it was a surprise to anybody now.

Ridiculous are warmongers' attempts to blame Russia for their war, which nobody but them wanted.


"[Raise] higher the banner of the Socialist competition!"

"Socialist competition" was an attempt by the Soviet authorities to create a sports-like rivalry between labor collectives, and thus improve their effectiveness.

The current winner of the socialist competition held a special banner.

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-kya: Krasnoyarsk Krai

I realize that our "dream America" was rather an illusion. But modern America does not give food for dreams. The media wall that existed during the Cold War surely helped American propaganda a lot. And now, how is it possible to like America when you have access to Reddit?

Curiously, now the situation has to a certain degree reversed. It's Russia who ended up behind the media wall, and thus is idealized by some people.

Right before the Kiev regime's attack on the Russian regions, most Western major politicians did contact Putin do deliver their threats, so I see nothing unusual with Trump claiming to be one of them.

Suicide by doorbell.

I doubt you can see something like that outside of the Caucasus.

He could have told that he personally killed the guy who killed his mother.

I haven't watched but I have read the manga Death Note and it was just dumb. The author made no attempt to make it remotely realistic or care about the moral side of characters' actions.

Breaking Bad's universe is populated by humans.

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-kya: Krasnoyarsk Krai

In the late 1980s, I was still very young, but I remember the feeling that the American government was more friendly to ordinary Soviet people than the Soviet government. This misconception had quite disastrous effects.

America of the late 1980s and early 1990s was seen as the country of the best films, best music, economic prosperity, and proper political organization. We tried to imitate it in pretty much every aspect.

Did my impression change? Boy...

Nowadays, the American culture we liked so much is mostly gone, you can't look at American politics without the WTF expression, and pretty much every declared American principle turns out to be bullshit.

Pragmatically, there should be no conflict between Russia and the US. But as US policy tends to be unconscious and irrational, I don't see how it can end. Negotiating with the US is like negotiating with killer bees. They just won't listen and will continue what they are fixed on.

Women can be doctors in Iran.

As for police, military etc., systematically employing women there requires lowering physical fitness standards, and why exactly they have to be lowered? Are you going to explain to an enemy's bullet that it should fly slower as it deals with a woman?

60% of Iranian post-high-school students are women.

Yeah, women aren't considered appropriate for certain occupations. Mostly because they physiologically aren't.

Am I supposed to make a list of crimes ever committed and still being committed by any Christians and atheists? It would be long.

Є is totally out of place here, as it's supposed to stand for JE.

You have Й without having И. Well, just like Belarusian, but Belarusian is weird.

The JA, JE, JO, JU letters hardly are needed in Esperanto.

Do "these types of rules" exist in the first place?

Iran is not Taliban. They make sure their female population is useful for the economy.

It plants false stereotypes to cultivate islamophobia, so it's propaganda.

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-kya: Krasnoyarsk Krai

Rublevka is a neighborhood west of Moscow where filthy rich people live.

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-kya: Krasnoyarsk Krai

The words were used appropriately.

"Communist" refered to ideology, "socialist" to economy and the current practices (and also the Socialist Bloc).