Civ 6 just looks so much better than this. This looks b-tec at best.

Yeah I was banned from “interestingasfuck” for participating here lol”. 😜

Couldn’t have said it better myself. The tories took too much heat over the last decade and some. They needed “change” just so they could keep the pressure but just wearing a different colour.

Tories will be back and the same cycle of shit will occur. We need to take back control. We don’t work for them. They work for US!

Corbyn got me politically engaged. I was contributing monetary support to the party. Under Corbyn Labour rose to the largest party in Europe with 500k active members!! That’s incredible and then he got snipped from the inside by a Zionist loving asshole.

Sir Starmer, a man of the establishment. Is barely left of centre, he is just another Blair. He will be used as the scapegoat for the tories come next general election. They will go “see, see what Labour do. That’s why you shouldn’t vote for them” blah blah blah.

That’s if we make that long. I said Labour would win and take us to war, I’ve been right so far.

I didn’t vote. I knew the outcome from the start. This isn’t democracy.

Any help on how to get the mini map up? This is starting to bug me!

He isn’t Corbyn you’re right. Though I feel Corbyn was used to get mass inspiration from voters and get them politically speaking. Starmer demonised corbyn. Labour under Sir “Zionist loving” Starmer is a shambles, a joke. I dread what the next 5 years have in store for us. Agenda 30 here we come baby.

Everything should be shut, we should all have to be inside wearing masks until we know that every single person has at least 2 shots 4 boosters. I mean come on guys, it’s not hard. Save grandma, it’s safe and effective.

You’re clearly an antivaxxer antisemtic far right extremist.

Pharmaceutical companies are on our side. Pfizer provided us with what’s basically a holy elixir and saved us all. Our tax money should be used to support these fantastic and trust worthy businessesx

How do you know?? With a 99.5% survival rate that still leaves .5%! We should be locking down and wearing masks until it is completely eradicated.

LIES, lies upon lies!! How dare you. Clearly critical thinking is one of your strengths.

It’s happening. Labour (the left) is about to take charge. War is on the horizon and life will soon take a very different turn.

2025 through to 2030 will see a global financial crash to usher in the CDBC. War will be rampant to once again kill generations, depopulation and the consolidation of power to the few. Pandemics will hit, depopulation. Lockdowns will be rampant.

The world as it once was will soon be a distant memory and come 2030, if we are still here, will be like nothing we have ever seen before.

I’ve already got 2 doses of the avian flu jab on preorder. Come winter I’ll have 4 flu shots, 3Covid19 jabs 2 avian flu shots and a partridge without flu thank you very much.

Of course it does. I’m triple jabbed and have 3 boosters and I still get Covid, I test once a month, we need more vaccinations for anyone 6 months+.

How dare you! Stop spreading disinformation. Millions died as a direct result of Covid-19. How can you sit there and deny hard fact. The science NEVER LIES.

Couldn’t agree with you more. Why aren’t combating corporations that pump our food with literal poison in our food? Why don’t we have more cleansing stations?

HERESY!! Don’t you know that the gene therapy saved the lives of many and that those that got vaccinated can’t catch Covid or spread it? Why do you spread such disinformation!!

Oh nah. Sorry. I haven’t read the context of this post. I just meant the dumb political posts routing for either side…”Biden is better” “trump is better”. Those posts.

When the mic kicked back in as they were all running had me HOWLING. “Ugghhh I’m sorry I’m sorry” 😂😂

Are you all up to date with your vaccines and boosters? Honestly the work Dr Fauci put in to eradicate this virus is nothing short of a miracle. He should be praised as a saint imho.

I love my combustion engine and won’t ever stop loving it, Why would I vote for any political party when it’s already predetermined? Green is quite literally a joke. lol.