Is someone going to prison? Why not call a professional? This is from a dead body. No it won’t buff out. Are you serious, this is beyond buffing out.

Omg/ I usually don’t comment on these. This is so awful. My God that is bad.

What are the black splotches that are found in these little colonies? I’ve always wondered.

Justice for Tilikum, Morgan and Lolita/Toki. Somehow the universe pulled back the curtain and they know. The emotional center of their brain is more complex than a humans and works in ways we do not understand.

I had this phone when I was in 3rd grade. My own phone line was my Christmas present!

Crap!! I’ll fix it. Surprisingly that was an auto correct.

Buy a book on multiple orgasms and study.

This is bonkers. Absolutely bananas.

Wow that is a complete shit show. Unless you want a sleeve or a bracelet I would go with laser. I don’t think a Sick Ass Panther would fit in that space.

It’s interesting that the conversation about sex was not explored other the than swinging being a thing of the past. Why doesn’t she enjoy sex, does she climax?

I don’t think that this behavior has anything that is specific to Christian and Dani, the Harga also mimic the sexual moans during the love scene and also the flailing and painful screams of those burnt in the sacrificial fire. They share emotional experiences and rituals communally just as they raise children communally. It is integral to thier culture and serves as a social norm. I even wonder if sexual relationships are allowed within the Community? What if sex is only used for procreation approved by an elder, eliminating all spontaneous and emotionally driven coupling. There does not seem to be any autonomy in the group. The unspoken narratives nuanced by Ingmar “volunteering” to be burned alive. We all suspect that he is being punished, even if is a self driven directive. It’s a bit on the nose, we all suspect that his recruits failed to be as useful as Pelle.

The floor is very busy. I think that repainting the bottom cabinets white would help soften the amount of grey and bringing in a natural wood color, like a butcher block countertop would warm up the space a little. I like the painted countertops over the stained ones. You could bring a pop of color with a pretty painted teapot or stand mixer.

Yes I remember Clover, I watched it again last night and it helped a little. I have a feeling like there was more footage regarding the horses and it was cut. It’s hard to follow. Also I have respect for ghost. That horse had a key stuck in his hindquarters that drew blood from the metal storm that JJ dumped on the Haywood Property. Likely JJ was marking her territory with that effort as well.

The last coherent season that was easy to follow was the doula/ fake pregnancy season. After that the disorganized made it too difficult to follow and that is when I realized all of the episode descriptions had been replaced or perhaps always been the content warning, which is a legality obligation slapped on in post production. I would have even powered through or skipped the tattoo and band storylines if I could have figured out the way it was catalogued. It’s sad because I really liked this podcast. I use Amazon Music and you would think this could be straightened out before the episodes went out. Idk, I’m just done.


That makes so much sense!! About the name SLE. I think most of the humans out there would assume that the horses would likely be studied rather than consumed as food, because he did change the subject quickly when OJ voice a plan to buy them back. I am now thinking maybe it’s just greed and hubris. The way he talks about the Gordy massacre is disturbing. We know that he was scared and hiding under the dining room table, but he glosses over the death and horror and instead focuses on SNL and Chris Kattan (I hope I spelled that right) while bragging about monetizing the memorabilia. He further capitalizes on merchandise for the SLE in designing little creatures as merch and has his boys dress up in costumes, because..why not. They haven’t come out of their ship yet, so let’s make money until we know what they look like. Living in the moment with no plan, much like having no idea what to say to Oj about his horses, so putting it off and hoping that Oj’s bad luck may continue and further payoff by having to sell the farm. Also it’s mentioned that Gold Rush was a company that previously occupied the spot that Jupiter is currently in, so running a business there has risks, so Jupiter is further run by capitalizing to max by exploiting the victims and co-stars of the Gordy’s Home as well as the horses and the customers that are buying into the alien merch that is completely fictional. Although, Mary-Jo Eustice did not seem to mind but at the same time she has not seen the Gordy experience room.

It’s hard to follow the story line because it’s terribly unorganized. All of the episodes have the same description which is a content warning. The descriptions do not describe the episodes. The seasons vary on one storyline and then another season will include multiple stories with multiple narratives. The first few seasons were good but when the time came for the dynamics of a band booking gigs and a tattoo shop, it’s just not that interesting. I like empowering stories about breaking free from a toxic relationship and abuse, talking about red flags, about justice, putting a stop to narcissists, ect… The later seasons feel like I am watching a reality show with just the audio on.

That’s heartbreaking. Such a cruel way kill an animal, make them suffer a prolonged death in the dark surrounded by trash. Just leaving the kitten in a park would have been more acceptable. Thank goodness you saved this innocent baby.

Thank you for explaining that. I think that Otis Sr. Was riding ghost when he was struck by the pocket change that ended his life. So even if ghost was difficult I feel like he was beloved. OJ went out to get Lucky when JJ was on the hunt. So I know the man cares. I also think that Jupe looked down on them. He is very cavalier when recounting the Gordy tv show, much like he feels like he is in control of the JJ situation.

Another thing JJ was so huge, idk how she survived eating just a horse and a few people a week.