My understand is that tans are radiation damage. People having radiation treatment for cancer sometimes get really tan from it.

At least he could have gone by Lance 😬

“I’m genuinely really happy for you. You look great by the way.”

I’ve gotten multiple pairs of secondhand pants that still had the pockets sewn shut

Yeah but only up to $5,000. It says he had $30,000 worth of stuff in it. In my storage contract it explicitly says not to put high value items and heirlooms in it for that exact reason.

ETA never mind, it says it was a storage trailer parked on the street. So he probably needed private insurance on it.

Yeah I definitely do. I was still getting cystic under the skin breakouts before I switched. I still have some peeling on my chin/around my mouth because it’s so strong but I can manage it with an exfoliator. I also get weird small ones on my upper lip and my derm prescribed Amzeeq for those. It’s a topical antibiotic but it’s better than clindamycin

ETA also just for reference I’m 43. Definitely didn’t think I’d still be dealing with acne at this age 🙄

I’m using a .1% tretinoin from Apostrophe. I used to use Hers but I’m on spironolactone too which Hers didn’t have at the time.

I just finished Rainbow Black by Maggie Thrash, it was pretty good!

I read last year that there’s only 3 products that are scientifically proven (not clinically, that means nothing) and that’s sunscreen, vitamin c, and retinol. Once I started only using those products my skin improved sooooo much. I use face wash and moisturizer too but you don’t need anything beyond those basic 3, barring any specific skin conditions.

You’re doing amazing, sweetie! 👏👏📸

If they were in caskets then doesn’t that mean they were already dead when the hurricane hit

I live in LA and in certain circles it’s absolutely ok to ask someone if that’s their real nose/tits/lips etc

Usually when I see someone driving aggressively it’s because there’s some jackhole going 10 under not paying attention cuz he’s on his phone.

The people speeding and weaving in and out are dangerous for sure, but so are the people going under the speed limit and not paying attention.

I’m named after a jewelry store my mom used to pass when she was pregnant and I love my name and I think the story is cute. I say go for it.

Ugh yeah that’s exactly the problem I have with it!

😂 I don’t really travel with drugs at this stage of my life but 15 years ago that’s exactly what I would have used it for

Cory’s community penis

How tf did she pass a background check?

lol same I have a giant Kate Spade bag as my main purse, no idea what to do with this tiny one

I’m 43 so I totally understand! This bag would have worked great for my tiny Nokia 20 years ago smh