The one nice thing about having an old body is you have an old mind to go along with it.

“I’ll forgive you for asking if you’ll forgive me for not answering. 😊”

Yes, you should have told him your water broke. No, you’re NTA. Neither of you is. He’s being totally manipulated. Your MIL is TA. Don’t let her ruin this precious (and challenging) time with your new little one. ❤️

I think your finger is quite convincing. Unless it actually is your finger.

You said his mom is “incredibly sweet and loving.” But then you have all kinds of worries. So compare your worries to “sweet and loving.” Will a sweet and loving person understand what I need and when I need it?

You can’t tell from a description! Can you sit in a room (on the floor) with each of them separately? See if you bond to one of them and vice versa. If you bond to both, which one will wreck your clothes the most with visible cat hairs?

This is a job for strategic lighting. It will softly light up or down, or both, and warm up the space. You can highlight the windows tastefully or artistically, softly or all three. Yum. And the fixtures mustn’t look like fixtures.

Oh please open this up to former members so I, a democrat, can name a former Republican

The first 90 years are the hardest. After that it’s all uphill.

You lose your speed. Somebody flips a switch somewhere, and all of a sudden it takes weeks to do stuff you used to knock off in a day. That’s why seniors complain how much work they have, or how fast time is flying by. Your engine suddenly downshifts on you. And your accelerator doesn’t work as well. Ever.

He’s a dream candidate because he can tell any lie and he’s got collusion. We are Greece, no wait, we beat Greece. We now have the most corrupt political system in the world, with breaches at executive, legislative, and judicial levels. 1 out of 3 used to correct the other two. Trump’s genius has been to corrupt 3 out of 3.

I guess I thought if Shauna was sincere, she wouldn’t repeat the betrayal. As much as I am a sinner, I forgot the rule is: Always be sincere. Even if you don’t mean it.

Remember that the object of the game in the US is to keep clear heads, realize when we’re being baited, and spread truth. The numbers are real. The holocaust happened, and it can happen again in even worse ways. We must try to evolve with other earthlings to figure out how to cool things down, in every way.

Do you see things more clearly? Is it driving you crazy yet?

You must be sleeping on the job. Ever heard of vaping? Hottest thing with kids and adult smokers with sales through the roof.

I have been in a similar situation with a neighbor and her son’s dog, a very large, aggressive dog who bit my neighbor while she was trying to help it get a paw free. No way was I touching the dog that just bit her. She was angry. At me! Her anger was an emotional reaction to a dangerous scene. So was your boyfriend’s. Give him time to get over his own frustration at being unable to control the situation. Putting yourself in harm’s way for an animal is a personal decision, not his to make for you. And it’s very different than coming to the aid of a human being.

1 cause of breakups: Money issues. You sound like you’re depressed. Give yourself positive feedback and instead of seeking sympathy, then find clever ways to enjoy time together without spending money. You’re on the right track!