So in other words, he's going to need a shit load of lace. Times 2.

Esee 3 in a leather sheath that I made with a pocket clip. Front right pocket. Works for me.

My co-workers are at that show right now. They totally didn't want to go, but they also didn't want to be here either.

There was nothing I could have done on that one. He was too far away for one. I would have never caught him. Plus he was supposedly a wolf-dog. Half wolf half shepherd. He was very territorial when it came to wildlife in his domain. He did not suffer no fools. Honestly, he probably would have fucked me up. The chicken leg incident was just him playing with me because I was his dad.

I was grilling some chicken leg quarters for the family one afternoon. As I took one off to check if they were done, my 120 lb German Shepard (Bear) flew in out of left field and snatched it from my greasy fingers. He tried to swallow that leg quarter like a pill. I tackled him and grabbed it from his throat to retrieve my work because,

  1. I didn't want him eating cooked chicken bones.
  2. That was supposed to be my piece.

Much to his dismay (and mine), i I got it back, mostly intact. I cut what was left of the meat off the bone and gave it to him in his bowl. He earned his treat.

So yeah, a little cube of cheese or 2 ain't gonna spell doom every dog out there. Some, yes. But not all.

As a side note, I also watched Bear snatch a bluejay out of the air, mid flight. He literally jumped 4ft straight up and caught this bird in its flight path. It was impressive. I was unable to retrieve this one.

If this was a part of the game since day 1, then why did they offer the game to people in countries that have no access to PSN? They sold the game to people, knowing that they would be restricted. Sounds like a bait and switch to me.

A bunch of privileged Americans fighting for shit they have zero control over, and will have to face no consequences for because they don't need the education from the university anyway because they all have trust funds waiting for them on the other side. Such a waste of talent all the way around.

Antisemitism will not be tolerated, yet actual fucking nazis are allowed to walk around flying their flags and shit.

Breaking Bad "Fly". For some reason, people hate that episode. I think Walts monolog about the perfect moment for him to die was gut-wrenching and made the whole episode. I could literally feel Jesse's concern for his comrade. Top notch acting and cinematography.

Same here. They got me once. Never again.

The quality and price of fast food has motivated me to learn how to cook. I mean, I have always been able to cook a meal, but now I know how to plan a week's worth of meals as well as shop for the ingredients that ill need. I haven't eaten fast food in a very long time. I dont really care for it anymore because I can cook better than they can for cheaper.

The Quartermaster on Ursulines and Bourbon has a good poboy. Good muffaletta too.


Here in bumfucked TX, we have a family dollar and right across the street we have a dollar general/dollar tree combo. 3 for the price of 2. There are less than 600 people in this town.

Coleman 100% DEET with the pump sprayer. Don't spray it around anything painted. It will melt the paint. Ittl mess up safety glasses too. Just a few sprays is all it takes and it'll last pretty much all day even if you're sweating.

I agree with that. Wisconsin death trip is a kick ass album. I had that tape stuck in the tape deck of my car for like a year when it came out. But I never really considered them to be industrial metal.

So, if I just wanted to use the TV as a monitor for my home media server, I still need to agree to their terms, even though I'm not using their service and am not interested in their software updates? And if I don't agree, I'm not allowed to use the tv that I paid for?

That just sounds like rental equipment to me.

The television is not a service, it's a product. One that has already been paid for and is owned by the purchaser. By disabling the tv for not signing their terms, they are essentially saying that you no longer own that TV.

What if I don't want to use the roku service anymore, but I do want to use the TV with a different service? Can't do that unless I agree to their terms.

I dont have a smart TV, but now I know not to buy one of theirs once I decide to get one.

I wonder if you could burnish the pieces first with tokonole or even just water and then try to use a clear epoxy. Burnishing it first should help to seal the leather and maybe stop the epoxy from soaking in too much.

Top notch steel and precision engineered tools. That and Rammstein.