79 hours on vacation. Drove from Ontario to Newfoundland and then back. Also did the 36 hr stretch of Alberta to Ontario multiple times. Canada is a big country.

Come to Edmonton in Canada. We have 2 round abouts with traffic lights in the middle of them.

Currently in Ontario, good sized 2 bedroom apartment. Normally I pay $50 for hydro, I think the highest I've hit in 2 years was $65, that was with 2 people and 1 dog.

Worst date was with a guy I met online, and he reminded me why I hate doing dinner as a first date.

15 minutes in, asked me what my biggest childhood trauma was, and refused to drop it when I tried to deflect. I picked one from like the top 20 list, and then we spent several minutes dissecting it.

At the same dinne, he also asked a lot ofin-depthh financial questions, up to and including any debts, RRSPs, saving accounts, and investments. Which is when he let it drop that he wants a sugar momma so he can stream on twitch.

Also asked what my most debilitating and frequent mental health struggle was, what and when my heaviest weight was and when the last time I wanted to commit suicide was... it was a great evening.

I do this with malt vinegar all the time. It is amazing! I also do malt vinegar on just fries as well and love it.

Sounds right. Try going to Quebec and ordering a poutine and not pronouncing it the french way, which is pouTIN.

I have a $30 coffee maker with a timer function. Make coffee the night before, hit timer button, wake up to the fresh smell of coffee every morning. Saves me time in the morning and money!

This is why I love my HR-V just the right combination of ground clearance and size!

I have a friend 16 years younger than his siblings after his mom's tubal AND dad's vasectomy failed. The odds are slim, but it does happen.

I make them all summer for Iced coffees. I go roughly 1-1 on sugar to water. I like to let it boil hard for a few minutes until it's started to evaporate down a little bit.

For flavoring I usually go with a splash of vanilla/hazelnut/caramel extract, either stand alone or combinations, my favorite is vanilla hazelnut. I also love swapping some sugar for brown sugar, adding cinnamon sticks (I don't recommend powdered cinnamon as it's very strong), sometimes I'll also add a glug or 2 of real maple syrup. I store mine in the fridge and it's good for several weeks/months. I usually have a couple flavors on hand so I don't get bored of one, just keep it in a standard mason jar.

Sometimes, that's not always possible. I'm about to do a 2 week camping road trip with just me and the dog, she travels well and loves the car and adventures. Sometimes you're going out for a hike and stop to get icecream and go to the washroom after. There's so many reasons that you may have to do this. Leave the car on with the ac running on high, they will be fine for a few short minutes as long as there a well-adjusted and trained animal.

Take a glass of cold water with lots if ice in it. Place your thermometer/probe into the water for like 30 seconds. The one reading 32F/0C or closest to is most accurate. Edit: they can also give funky readings if the batteries are really low.

They already have them. Alot of Alberta is moving to piss test to get hired/pretty access and swabs for incidents/random testing for weed. Swab pops if you've been high within the last 12ish hours. From what I hear your fine if you brush your teeth and moth wash in the morning.

Banana bread! I can do muffins, no problem, but I don't think I've ever made a good loaf of banana bread.

This hole damn thread!
AITA for not letting my sister's boyfriend use hot sauce?Everyone Sucks

Every Sunday my family rotates who makes dinner. One day it's my wife and I, the next time is my sister and her boyfriend, the next my mom and dad, and then finally my grandmother. With our busy lives, this day is important to us because besides holidays, we wouldn't be able to meet up and chat or eat without it.

We come from an Italian family but are in Canada (my mom was born there, I was here). I take my food very seriously, especially Italian food, and double especially because my nonna is eating with us.

I spent all day preparing dinner and when we sat down to eat, my sister's boyfriend is humming and hawing saying my meal is missing something. He said he needs hot sauce and starts walking to my fridge. All I have is Franks and Sriracha. I like hot sauce, too, but I don't dare mix cuisines like that.

So I stopped him saying I'd appreciate if he enjoyed my meal as it is. He said it's no big deal, and in a way it isn't, but also in many ways it is. I told him at the very least, I have some Calabrian chili oil he can use, or dried chili flakes. Then it would at least still be Italian. He insists on Sriracha, and I declined him.

He escalated it and said he was going to go to the store and buy his own bottle and return if that's the case, and I said by all means. He left, we finished up dinner, and we called it an early night. Everyone is putting their coat and shoes on as he returns, and he's pissed.

Was I TA? My sister is on my side if it matters, but this has been a fight all day yesterday between them because he wants my sister on his side, not mine. They've been dating only 3 months.

edit: if it matters, I made carbonara, bruschetta, and then for mains which he didn't get to yet, was a seafood platter in red sauce. My wife and I are 34, 35 respectively, my sister and boyfriend are 23, 22 respectively.

I already threw them out, right after taking this picture... but thanks anyways!

Your best bet is likely Etsy. I got a beautiful wallet made in BC from there a few years ago, but you can definitely find ones made in Ontario as well.

Pagolac! It's just off 75th street. There spring rolls are good enough I'd drive from Fort Sask to get them.

Depends on the province. Alberta has remembrance day as a stat, but it's in lieu of boxing day.

Need recipes and advise for LARGE chocolate sheet cake!Question

I am trying to bake a cake for work to feed around 70. I have a 21 x 13 inch disposable pan I'd like to use for this but am having no luck finding a recipe for this large of a sheet cake. Any recipes or tips? I'm worried the centre will be raw while the edges are burnt. Any advise appreciated. Looking to do chocolate, marble, or even one side vanilla one side chocolate.
