Who is funding Groundswell?Politics

Anyone got any actual sources? I've seen mentions of the Taxpayers Union being contracted to do their PR/media stuff, and they get funding from British American Tobacco. But is there any proof?

Red Peak

By banning use for people born after XYZ, they become criminals if they don't abide. An 19 yo giving his 17 yo friend a cigarette, in coming years, will be breaking the law.

Uh yes, that's the point of laws. If you don't abide you become a criminal. The 19 year old can legally smoke, the 17 year old can't.

No other country in the world has tried a rising ceiling of legal age. Just banning cigarettes isn't going to work, as you stated, it's tried and failed elsewhere.

Remember when banning smoking in bars and cafes was proposed and it was going to be tHe enD of tHe WOrlD?

These proposed changes, like banning indoor smoking, are strongly supported by Public Health academia and research.

And yeah I'll drink the Public Health kool-aid. I support Public Health measures and the people working in the field. What else should I be doing? Doing 'my research' online?

Red Peak

GP here.

For a full Men's WoF you want to get a MoleMap if you have fair skin (will have to be in a big-ish city), a full eye check from an Optometrist, a dental checkup, and a Nurse+GP appointment.

Your biggest struggle will be to find a practice nearby who is enrolling patients, if you are going to change GPs.

Call the practice, explain you want a men's WoF checkup, and ask for the bloods to be requested. Then you can go and get the bloods done, wait a week for the results to come through, then see the nurse. The nurse will do all your vitals, height weight blood pressure etc, and grill you about your family history, and your lifestyle. Then you'll have 15 minutes with the doctor to go over the blood test results and review any issues that have arisen.

That will give you best value for your money, and uses scarce resources the most efficiently.

Red Peak

So you are saying this is a false flag attack on David Seymour?

Red Peak

Yip, stand there, be proud, look them in the eye. As an acknowledgement of their gift, at the end you can put your hand on your heart and nod slightly, or go and give a hongi (or a hand clasp/back slap matey combo). It'll probably be pretty organic on the day, just go with what feels right.

Red Peak

Appetite suppressant PLUS super energy. Jockeys get up in the early hours to train the horses, usually before dawn, then ride up to 10 racehorses per day in a race meeting. 500-600kgs of pure muscle that needs to be controlled - while the jockey is dehydrated and starving, trying to get to below 54kgs while doing a super physical job. Of course they are going to be tempted by meth.

Definitely something 40s-50s for the pattern. If you look for evening dresses, then make it shorter, you get the general look. Maybe Butterick 1587, Simplicity 1587, Vogue 8182, Burda 6583

Best bet would be Burda 6583, just add little sleeves

Good luck! For fabric I'd go for a heavy crepe/viscose

Where I live, electric blankets that go on top of your mattress are pretty standard for all beds in winter! I can't imagine being without them. In winter I have a single one running lengthways over the foot of my bed, and I leave it on low all night long as I have terrible circulation in my feet. If I get too hot I just pull my feet up, if I get cold I push them down.

The electric throw blankets are newer and they are just sublime. It's hard to stay warm when you are curled up reading a book or watching TV, but those blankets are like being cuddled by a polar bear :-)

I had exactly the same reaction to my second Pfizer - raging fever, and pain everywhere, like my muscles were being scrubbed with a steel brush. 90mg of codeine and a good sleep later, it was all gone. Phew.

Red Peak

Hang on. The website says that they will use your CIR vaccine records to make the card. So you are buying a laminated record of your vaccine history, NOT a fake vaccine record.

Red Peak

Trevor Noah does a great piece on why White people are such uninspiring protesters, https://youtu.be/h7iDUOG3XNE

Red Peak

Before you go elsewhere, call and ask if this tattooist IS vaccinated now. They were anti-vaxx before, but lots of people HAVE been educated and have changed their minds. Also, it'll provide feedback to the tattoo parlour that employing anti-vaxxers will hurt their business.

Red Peak

All large stores need to have a cache of trolleys at the very far corner of the store, because that's always where I realise that yes, I did need a trolley....

Red Peak

That stuff is magic! The only reason I can wear skirts and dresses in summer. Chub rub is a bitch

Only side effect I got was UV sensitivity. It took a while to work but made a huge difference

Red Peak

Money well spent in my opinion, to ensure shit does away

Red Peak

Can you make a version without the yellow background? I'd like to print it out and not use my entire yellow cartridge,

Red Peak

I'm a very pro-vaxx GP and my name isn't on the list, never got the email. Or I did and it got put in my very large "Semi important shit to do at some stage" pile

Red Peak

Yes, a few months back I got two bedrooms done professionally with a mirror tint, more for privacy than heat protection. Cost a bomb but looks fantastic.

Red Peak

And All Blacks, thermal daks, egg n cheese, walking tracks, beef patty, matching girls, tomato, lettuce, paua shells....

Red Peak

Oooo I had that. There was a great recipe for upside-down jammy sponge cakes that you cooked in mugs in the microwave

Red Peak

*when you catch Covid-19. If you aren't vaccinated, it's 100% certain you will catch it when it gets into our community.

A mortality rate of 1/163 is still terrifying.

What I tell you that there's a jar of 163 M&Ms on the table. But one is laced with cyanide. Would you want to eat a M&M??? If you aren't vaccinated, you don't have a choice, you are eating a M&M.