I have a baby about to start daycare next month and the way I think about it is we just won’t save as much money during the years our baby is in daycare but its a short period of life & then they will be in school in 5-6 years & we can work on saving more at that point in time. And before having a baby I would freak out at the thought of daycare pretending us from saving as much money; and after 4 months of being a mom I can definitely say having a child is so worth any of the expenses that I no longer freak out about it 

Same & this is exactly what’s happened at my job as well. It’s way too much 

Aritzia, Abercrombie, Madewell, Free People, and Gap are my top places to shop. I’m early 30s 

Thank you for the really thoughtful reply! It’s super helpful to hear advice and others experiences !

Thanks for sharing your experience and advice !! Very helpful to hear from other parents what they’ve done and experienced!

thank you for letting me know! I’m definitely going to check it out!

That makes sense! I will try to shift more to daytime to see if that helps. Thank you for the tip!

The pediatrician advised both!! 1- stop feeding her to sleep initially at night and let her fall asleep on her own and 2- cut out her night feedings entirely 

I feel a little sad about it! I don’t actually mind waking up to feed her, I feel like it’s our special time together. I also am worried 4 months seems young. First time mom here so I also just have no idea what I’m doing & am figuring this all out as I go 

I use my phone flashlight but don’t turn on any lights. She also uses a white noise machine that’s on through the night! I’m a first time mom so I welcome any tips 

The pediatrician just said she’s too old to be waking up so much at night & needing to eat full bottles. (This is my first baby so I literally am just going off what I’m being told here). She normally wakes up about 3 times to eat during like a 10-11 hour sleep period. We’ve also been feeding her to sleep which apparently is also a bad habit I guess 

3 times at night & she’s almost 14 lbs. she’s pretty much exclusively formula at this point. For some reason I thought you couldn’t sleep train babies until about 6 months 

Win: The weather is so nice today!! Can’t wait to go for a long walk after work

Whine: probably not really a whine, but we are going to start sleep training our 4 month old this weekend on the advice of our pediatrician and I’m scared of the crying 

I was banking embryos to freeze during 3 egg retrievals 

10 eggs, 1 euploid 7 eggs, 2 euploid 6 eggs, 4 euploid

I did one transfer & had a live birth 

Going back to work this week after 3 months off for maternity leave and I’m going to miss my baby so much. Sunday scaries to the extreme over here tonight 

Congrats!!! What amazing news and wishing you the best! 

Whine: I’m on maternity leave and going back to work in 2 weeks. It just hit me last night and I can’t stop feeling so sad and randomly crying about how much I’ll miss my baby during the day. 

Win: Being a mom is the best, I’m so happy & love my baby so much. She’s the greatest gift & I love how much of an amazing dad my husband is too. We did IVF and it was a long awaited process to have a baby and it’s just been so wonderful the past 3 months. 

You got this!!! I’m on maternity leave and my husband is back at work! It’s a hard transition but you’re going to have such a special time bonding with your baby & the days go by so quickly. I go back to work in 2 weeks and I’m already so sad our time is almost over. 

Seconding all of these! I had a baby 3 months ago and the above were all so helpful 

+2 for me. I’m 8 weeks pp and have found the peloton app really helpful for pp friendly workouts and like others have mentioned above the classes are so positive. There are also several instructors who have had babies in the last few years & had pp friendly workout after 

Good luck!! I was feeling the same way just over 5 weeks ago. I can say being a first time mom is more rewarding and special than I could have ever imagined. Enjoy your last few weeks and treat yourself as much as possible ! 

Yes please DM! I am happy to answer anything 

Yes of course! I just had my baby exactly 4 weeks ago so I can definitely say I had a successful experience with RMI

I used it for IVF & had no complications from using it.