Gotta have the look first, then the in-ring work. Jade Cargill wouldn't even be in WWE if she didn't have the look, and she was being mentored by Daniel Bryan, HBK, and now Bianca Belair.

Dakota lacks the look, while her promos and in-ring work are alright. Plus, she's been injured a lot.

07 Cena was undefeated in PPVs. Super Cena would win after taking 3 Spears, 7 Superman Punches, and interference from the Bloodline.

"We've compromised the Tribal Chief to a permanent end."

Nah, because they're literally in a different conference lol

Who's us, homie? I don't see a flair.

Oh, they as in the bandwagon fans, not the Cowboys lol. The Texans Strouds doing well is great, and I hope they win a Super Bowl after us.


He should've released it in December. Is he stupid?

especially if their actual hometown team

The Houston Texans?


As a new NFL fan, the Cowboys. Shouldn't the Patriots be America's team?

Hate of the Cowboys aside, I would remove the stickers off the mirror so you have full access to it.

Going back and watching it is crazy. Thor sees it budge just the tiniest bit and starts holding his breath. Then, Cap lets go of Mjolnir and Thor immediately relaxes. He saw it move, so he knows Cap can pick it up, but Cap did him a solid by not punking him in front of the team