What’s everyone watching this weekend or watched this week?

I’m going to clean and listen to whatever album I randomly pull out of the collection, but need a movie/series treat after

I work with children and I’m really good with children. That means that I know what it takes to raise children, especially the emotional labor involved, and that I know that’s not something I want to do. I don’t want to give myself up or change myself and lifestyle in that way.

The only guilt I have in that is guilt that others have placed on me.

We need more women to talk about this massive life changing decision being a choice and how it’s okay to choose not to have babies.

Maybe start with The Sundial. It leans into her humor while still having some classically Jackson terror filled scenes. At the same time though, I really don’t think her work is overly spooky. They’re just really good examples of how horror can explore fragile and lonely women.

As I said on the Tai post, people really want villains

I’m not as invested in Ben’s character because I’m mostly here for the feral girl horror, but his character raises some really interesting questions about morality and authority.

He’s a well written side character and I don’t really get the point of hating fictional characters on a personal level.

Arthur seems to be a bit of a knight in shining armor figure in the story. He’s sort of there to save her. I don’t think the show is interested in investigating him or their relationship beyond this.

The way the show presents her problems disappearing when she falls in love with him and then coming back as soon as he’s gone doesn’t really sit super well with me if we’re being honest here.

I’m not a huge fan of the way the show presents some of its ideas around marriage in general, especially in relation to its source material.

It’s definitely very loosely based on Dracula’s Daughter. I’m not sure many people would even clock it as that just by watching it.

Perhaps I should have put “I need a more thematically similar and appropriately titled Draculas Daughter remake”.

My only glimmer of hope is that they didn’t use the title of the film

The Haunting of Hill House would be pretty good beginner horror and I’d say that the films she’s already seen are more “scary”

I’ve never cried harder at a movie than I did in the Both Sides Now scene in Coda.

The ending is perfect and it never ceases to make me emotional. The whole film is such an interesting look at art, memory, and gaze. It’s stunning!

That’s my favorite movie and has been since I was a teen. The ending is just perfection, IMO. I’m not sure what it says about me, but I try to collect all of the movies that have their own Roman Holiday ending.

I held it together until and then, you know, cried

The Children’s Hour

I went into it as a major Audrey Hepburn, William Wyler fan, but stayed for Shirley MacLaines masterclass in acting. She’s unbelievably good in what is a really tough film.

I really appreciate what you’re written here and think you’ve made a great argument for this.

I think that the show told us that it would be dealing in these themes and dabbling in this genre way back in season one, episode two I believe.

In the episode there’s an exchange between Shauna and Adam in which Adam quotes Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut which is a novel about culpability in war and Shauna comes back at Adam with “And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep.” from Slaughterhouse Five which is famously a novel about the absurdity of war and man’s futility in the face of that destruction.

I think that when you mix that with the convictions of the horror genre, gothic and folk horror to be specific, your probably going to get a really apt examination of what it means to be human, to deal with trauma as humans, and how we carve out meaning if there is any from those experiences.

You’re also bound to get something that deals in the ambiguous and my money is on them keeping that thread all the way through to the end.

It’s probably just the way Reba pronounces “backwoods”.

Me and my family go to an old theater the weekend before Christmas every year to see a Christmas movie. It’s usually White Christmas, but we’ve also seen It’s a Wonderful Life, Meet Me in St. Louis, and It Happened on Fifth Avenue. It started one year with me and my sister and over the last couple years we keep adding people. It’s my favorite tradition ever!

So sorry about your sister. Glad you have these movie memories to hang onto.


Peter Weir is probably one of my favorite directors, but I’ve not got around to this one yet.


As a horror fan, I apologize for not having watched this genre classic!


I’m not sure it’s a cult movie, but I’ve not this pretty well renown film. I’ve seen the 1934 version, but never Douglas Sirks remake.

Holes in the Floor of Heaven by Steve Wariner

My grandma, who I can only assume is sadistic, use to sing it to us on car rides.

Not sure I’d describe it as sad per se, but it does pack a punch especially the ending.

Hope you enjoy!

I didn’t post it, but the film is Past Lives

This immediately took a place in my favorite films and my favorite endings. Such a good and contemplative movie.

My grandma use to make us watch Beaches with her at least once a year and she actively dislikes Bette Midler. It was just that good! I haven’t watched it in years but might have to find it this weekend!