Kenya's primary source is geothermal then hydro, wind is in 3rd place.

Also power outages happen but they are not as many, you are overexaggerating, especially in more urban areas.

 If you want several partners after getting the money, ethical non-monogamy exists

You mean prostitution


That's the problem with dealing with gold-digging sluts what did you expect? lol, That's just plain disrespect


Let's be serious for a second that's not been part of Ruto's agenda, The USA however have strong ties with Israel which has problems with the Houthis messing with their trade routes through the rea sea.

Ruto is a sellout fuck that guy he will accept what the higher bidder gives, Kenya has a navy what is it doing about the illegal fishing, all Ruto does in International stage is continuously yap about Climate change, Kenya's clean energy and which country he will be tasked with invading next.

They are doing it to pacify them so Israel can move goods to and from in the red sea it's pretty obvious the China stuff is just a positive side effect for them.

Kenya in Haiti is okay but with terror groups no doubt they will retaliate by hitting your city, Ruto is a sellout he's probably pocketing tens of billions.

He's a con artist but he is very smart and has mastered the game, imagine all the money he has made off of being a charlatan he had followers wash the road before his fleet of cars with police escort, he then goes to South America in what, one or two years is already meeting personally with heads of state

Statistics of what XD the USSR was the USA's enemy number one, the second most influential country in the world, massive sphere of influence around the globe, now they can barely deal with Ukraine, the Soviet fell, it's allies turned against it, it's almost like a joke, army and secret service in the dumps, USA had intel on the terrorist attack in their country before they did, the only card they can play is the we got nukes one, but not much else.

Russia is no longer a superpower it's China and USA rn, only thing keeping Russia up there is nukes but they don't have the influence the USSR had

whatever Netanyahu has to have all that power

Kenya is over 80% Christian, just stay where you are from we don't need any more

Kenya ☆★★

The way Africans go so hard for Palestine is embarrassing at least be neutral or stay out of it.

I remember Palestine aided Idi Amin's giving him Palestinian troops as well as finances, in Idi Amin's attempt to invade Tanzania and led to the death of tens of thousands of civilians.

Looking at the states on either side of the war tells you all you need to know

Kenya ☆★★

Imagine using guns to fight an enemy with nuclear warheads lol, they lauch a few of those bad boys and entire countries are wiped out, God knows what type of advancements they've been making undergrounf.

Kenya ☆★★

buddy 5 countries have already pledged personnel to go to Haiti, they are just acting as hired mercenaries for America, and they are being paid for it, it's not free, how does that make Kenya the first inevitable casualty of WW3. If they really wanted a world war rn the whole human population would go extinct.

Kenya ☆★★

America was mostly white in it's early days so any non white person is referred to as [prefix of nationality/Ethnicity] American.

Of all the problems in the black American community what you are discussing is trivial, they have lived there for centuries they are undoubtedly American.

I would much rather see initiatives by black Americans in reducing black on black violence rates, glorification of gang culture and degeneracy, improving the socio-economic status and quality of education.

sex addiction you never heard of that.

That's like calling a drug addict a man baby simply cause he can't beat the addiction, especially when people are creating avenues for them to abuse it some more.

Depends he might have an addiction problem.

If I put heroin next to an addict without directly handing it to him, I already know what's going to happen so I did cause it.

Didn't say it was but 11% is not small considering the largest shareholders have 14%. It's not his bank but he's surely one of the big players