Neat design with the Freerunning mechanic. Reminds me of the madness X spells from Shadows Over Innistrad, [[From Under the Floorboards]] & [[Welcome to the Fold]]

Also tbh if it didn't say nontoken this card would be crazy. Artifact token production is already easy as hell in edh thanks to cards like Dockside. We don't need to make this go nuts with those when it's already aggressively costed.

Was thinking the same. At this point the deck has at least one card from each non-secret lair UB product and I think this might make it as the AC rep. Though Layla Hassan also could be good

Well that's because a fetus has the chance to become a human being, aka a man. A woman doesn't and if her biological process to create more men is interrupted then that's a crime against nature, and if she has a daughter. Well, then, at least she birthed her replacement.

At least that's the thought process I imagine that "pro-life" nitwit to have anyway if he somehow views ENSLAVING people is better than abortion being legal and available. Just full-on "women are nothing but baby makers" since this person clearly lacks ALL the empathy.

The hero-centered design of the talent system was honestly really refreshing. Rather than hoping for whatever item your main uses doesn't get nerfed, removed, or otherwise changed in a way that may fundamentally change how your hero. Instead you get to pick a play-style which can change from game to game and some talents really would change up how you had to play. I main'd Medivh and his early Q quest talent meant you had to play defensively early to ensure your quest wasn't reset on death but once you got the pay-off it felt great to turn those tables on your opponents. Though I'll admit some heroes really only had one talent route they could take at times. Meanwhile idk how Blizz thought Sylvanus was ever going to be balanced.

Can't forget the bonus card which will be anything from a borderless version of whatever creature type Wotc is pushing or will be related to the lair and be a literal 6th card to the lair where it fits its theme and art style.

Frieren: "88? Oh I see, you're one of those fascist types. I thought your kind died out years ago. Sigh How unfortunate that in such a short time humans fall to the failings of the past. Alas this is what must be done.

Zoltraaks this pos in a heartbeat

I think also Jayce will be the person that Mel's Mom is hounding for revenge because otherwise Noxus will just invade Piltover. She'll probably use his connection to her daughter and Jayce's probable guilt at her death as a way to manipulate him (meanwhile some ominous looking Crows will be in the background I'm sure).

"My demise accomplishes nothing! The master will have you! You will drown in your own blood! Your World shall burn!"

Three Myr in a Trench coat

As others have said just amazing deck both in what cards you picked to represent the characters but also just the work that must've gone in to picking the best cards and moments to capture. Only bad thing I could say is how I'm reminded of the horrible way WB and Max have handled the availability of Over the Garden Wall. I don't think it's available to stream anywhere and its just a shame as it truly is a one of a kind show that should be viewed at least once by any fan of animation.

What's especially devious about this combo is it can be done at instant speed. Attack with an itty-bitty Coram to trick your opponent into not blocking and then before damage drop this beast for 2 mana to just deck someone across the face for over half of the threshold of commander damage.

They also function outside the game and before the game begins

That's really interesting. So if say we had a Companion with the special clause of requiring all your creatures to have power 2 or less then Mortivore could still be included in your deck since its p/t before the game begins is 0.

I know they're not available everywhere but LGS's do exist and always can use the support. Real deciding factor is whether or not they currently support whatever game you're looking for but tbh all it takes is one person's interest to spark others to really get a scene going for a specific game.

Is there a good alternative to Overwolf then? I don't use it for League but do use it for WoW addons so if there's a way to ditch it I'd love to hear about it.

Three Myr in a Trench coat

[[Kresh the Bloodbraided]]

Three Myr in a Trench coat

If I had to start over I think I'd want to do 1 of two things (depending on whether "start over" means from complete square one or from just no collection, no nothing, beginning). Either:

1). Still pick Karador as my first commander. My first commander deck was a deck I built and was [[Karador, Ghost Chieftan]] though with my lack of knowledge of magic at the time the deck was not very good at all. So if I had to start over but kept all my knowledge of Magic I'd like to give it another shot.

2). Kresh the Bloodbraided as my first. Kresh was my 3rd or so commander deck when I started and like Karador I did not build him well whatsoever with regards to my knowledge about commander now. So like Karador I'd want to build him again (that and with the cards that have come out between then and now I think he'd be more fun to play)

The best feeling for progression has been doing the Timeless Isle dailies. Best way to farm for the Epoch stones is to farm the cows on the upper terrace and only a few days ago it took me a good minute to kill even one of the regular cows, and the fire elementals were just completely off-limits unless I saw someone else farming one (I'm playing Frost DK when doing the dailies). But yesterday after the prior days upgrades/farm I noticed they began to die relatively quicker than before. I'm not anywhere near one-shotting or quickly melting them like I've seen some other people do but even just this marginal increase in my kill speed has felt pretty rewarding.

I feel in retail with endgame content it can be hard to quantify how much stronger you're getting week/week day/day aside from maybe a bump in your position on the damage meters but in Remix its been nice to actually feel this steady climb. Like it feels like by next week I'll be much stronger than right now.

Those Phyrexian Wurm tokens made by the Wurmcoil call-back give me huge Alien vibes. Like they're about to jumpscare and kill me out of nowhere. Which is even funnier that they're only a 1/2 and 2/1.

Wait Auto-loot can cause you to miss some Threads? This might explain why my bonus XP stat wasn't increasing that much despite seeing it pop up briefly when I loot.

Theorizing time!

Is Alleria holding a Kirin Tor sigil because of Or are we about to see a full scale Kirin Tor extinction event

Given the theory that the one "returning" Kirin Tor mage we saw during The Harbinger questline could be Xal'Atath in disguise the organization being destroyed could be Xal's major play at power. As the Kirin Tor probably have the largest collection of arcane knowledge on Azeroth so destroying them would be a major blow to the Horde and Alliance (or Xal needs something in their collection). Though I wouldn't expect them to be gone for long and probably in TWW we'd see the formation of a new Kirin Tor.

Why are Jaina, Alleria, and Thrall all oriented to the right, but Anduin and Xal'Atath to the left?

If the orientation is meant to be Jaina, Alleria, and Thrall are reacting to the then I think Anduin facing away is meant to symbolize how alone he currently is. As we saw in the cinematic trailer Anduin has been wandering alone since Shadowlands and is trying to fix himself and deal with whatever is happening to Azeroth (importantly too that Sarg's sword was the direct fallout of the events of Legion, the expansion where Varian died, so Anduin probably is feeling major grief about that again). Likewise from the trailer though Anduin's loneliness is self-imposed and in reality he's surrounded by allies who can aid him but he's too broken at the moment. (meanwhile they might lose another companion if nothing is done)

Jaina and Alleria seem to be looking at the same thing and both are absolutely terrified. Why aren't Thrall and Anduin also scared, and what is it off-screen that's so scary?

I think Jaina and Alleria could be reacting to something different from Thrall. Together the 3 could all be reacting to the but like you mention Jaina and Alleria's reactions seem more severe and so could be hinting at some other drastic story beat.

So who is the Barabbas in this situation? I assume they would say it's Crooked/Sleepy/Coked-up/Evil Mastermind Joe Biden even though the prosecution of Jesus at the hands of Pontius Pilate analogy pretty much falls away if you do. Screw it, let's just continue equating this to the bible. Who's Peter? Cause right now I don't think a single well-known Trump fanatic would ever deny him, let alone three whole times. As for Judas I have absolutely no idea though I'm sure the magats would see to it that they would be killed and not even give them a chance for remorseful suicide.

What a joke for these religious nuts to compare the son of their god to probably the best fitting candidate for the anti-Christ in modern memory.

Maybe her ultimate summons the Haestryr and she mounts it. Giving her ms and empowering her abilities while its around. Alternatively maybe Aurora will finally be a pet champion, (like Skadi from Smite) the wand she got from the comic reminded me of a gun with how she seemed to hold it but the look of it also reminds me of a conductor's baton. So maybe she uses it to guide the Haestryr.

So I might be wrong but there seems to be extra notes on the instrument. I wonder if there's an easter egg for Aurora's theme. Of course we don't know what it is yet but I imagine the extra notes are for that purpose. Guess people could just slap their keyboards til its correct but maybe Riot wouldn't think that far ahead and do something like that.

I did. I thought Djinn and Efreet both use the "djinn" type. As it turns out, there is a type specifically for Efreet.