This is my 5th year, so next year I should be getting 5itf. I'm bummed

I never clack, annoying imo and breaks your fan.

I like to bring one not just for myself and my friends, but as a nice way to introduce yourself to the hot and sweaty people around you in a crowd.

I'm above average height so its also nice to reach high and fan in some fresh air from above when the crowd starts to get tight

I mean, the Tiesto remix of I'm Blue made it worth it imo

Eh, the way the player character is treated is never indicative of actual protocol in Bethesda games. Look at the College of Winterhold for my favourite example.

Even still with the BOS is Fallout 4, youre a killing machine. There is no way to talk your way through the game without being a killing machine. You go out solo, and easily do what entire squads in the BOS struggle with. Danse reports this to Maxon and at that point in the BOS questline he is a highly respected paladin. I would say it's significantly less offensive than going from your first class to becoming Arch Mage of the college (while only needing to know Novice spells) instead of any of the Masters who have been at the school, including the Arch Mage's right hand woman.

Voiced protagonist is my least favourite in an RPG like this. Theres just no way for it to apply to every playthrough. Compound that with the simplified selection and sometimes I dont even know what my character is going to say.

If settlements stick around I hope for the free camera builder mode from 76. I would also love for my Holotapes and Notes to be separate from my Misc in the menu. My Misc category, especially with so much of it being weightless, is unbelievably vast by mid game

I actually set the issue down and walked away, then shortly realized there was no way those were sticking around.

Don't make the mistake if taking your mask off in the crowd. All the dancing and such kicks up just as much dust as the high traffic areas, you just can't see it as well.

Take your mask into account with the heat and take care of yourself

Theres a guy who speaks absolute nonsense in New vegas but if you're dumb enough it has what he's actually saying in parenthesis. Hilariously it is super eloquent, and you're able to reply in kind. Stupid understands stupid

You think cops are going to leave the crowd to arrest him in the middle of their own convention? Its gonna have to be the feds, and to avoid a riot I bet they grab him on the way out

Are you talking about the guy that was there related to the puzzle? You may have just gotten an answer to one of the sections of the puzzle lol

I went during ODESZA (saw them very close to Forest) and we had an absolute blast in there 🤌

Its significantly less noticeable once you get out of act 1

So many, and with proper planning (like a thief rogue wearing a robe that creates a fog cloud when he disengages and utilizing turn based mode) you can generally get away with stealing tons of scrolls every day (the hologram at sorcerous sundries doesn't even chase you)

On my second and more chaotic playthrough I think I finished the game with 12 disintegrate scrolls in my inventory

Tbf, recommending how to hide things helps anyone who wants to hide something nefarious as well. Yes there are things that responsible people can handle having that aren't allowed, but I would generally only give tips directly to someone that you have a good feel for, and not to the general unknown.

Also security be up in here, what if my hiding spaces are unknowingly exposed lol

Yikes, nightmares about a song not connected to them in anyway? Maybe tell them to thicken up? Idk. I'm not trying to be mean it just sounds so... weak?

It definitely takes long enough for shells to start falling after I signal for them.

Every year at Forest trash pick up gets worse and worse as the weekend progresses. Trash piles up around the containers which of course is even more of a pain in the ass for people who do eventually come to pick up. I think the trash situation would be better of the receptacles maintained availability.

Not to mention, many tents/canopies get damaged in a way that makes them impossible to collapse and put away. I lost a canopy to the storm last year. Some of this could be mitigated through proper staking, but after having my rubber mallet confiscated at the gate my first year, I'll never bring another, and I just do the best with the heel of my shoe.

Even better, it was his dad Kyle Reese coming to close a time loop by fathering John

Hold the phone, Beast can lift twenty thousand pounds?

Lol I used to have this HR woman who was absolutely beyond useless. Filed stuff for my employees taxes wrong and took months and literally over a hundred emails to get individual issues fixed. I could go on and on but it would be a boring read, the important part was she never got fired and she made about 3x as much as I did.

Landlords of LinkedIn sounds about right

Really glad to hear STRFKR is still touring!

But.... but... she's still Jenny from the Block?? /s

My pin didn't show up this year, I hope someone else got my 4itf :(

R.Kelly was also an open "secret" forever.