The 45th president openly solicited the assistance of Russian intelligence services in digging up dirt on Hillary Clinton. He then gave away state secrets to the Russians during a meeting in the oval office. He then threatened to disband NATO. He's running again and the Russian and Chinese bots are working overtime for him. Again

I think they make efforts to make everything available to everyone regardless of ability to afford. They also make efforts to keep his voice from being coopted into things he wouldn't have supported (one of the reasons why protecting copyright is so important). They all seem like good people to me, working hard and doing their best, and that's all I'm willing to expect from people. I'm grateful to them for making his voice and thoughts available to me.

Does it work with a ball cap?

Honestly, it is hard to see anything about the road design that would have caused the accident.

Such a smart way for him to handle it. He recognizes that outrage, for whatever reason, serves the right better in American politics than the left. So instead of giving the other side the gift of outrage, which they apparently fuckin love, he rises above it and essentially has invited people on the right to be decent in return. Who knows maybe it will work on a micro scale?

The 90s and 70s were both awesome and the reverence the 90s had for prior devades is one reason why. I'm not blaming people in this decade for not revering prior decades. I'm just saying it feels like the dynamic has changed around decades and the sense of identity they used to carry. Anyway, great movies were made in the 90s and some of the best were about prior generations. When they try to do that now it just feels manufactured to me. I don't think current generations feel that sense of shared experience we did. How would I know though lol? I'm old :)

Would have been such a fun set to be on - not that I'm social or an actor lol, but they all seem like such cool people.

She was so talented and gorgeous. It is too bad she is remembered for this and for dying young. Dude is in prison. I'd rather focus on what a bright light she was than that shit.

Yeah honestly these prices are not that great or that different from anyplace else I've seen.

This seems like a 1997 fact. Is it really accurate?

ETA: yes, per Google, this is indeed accurate because Oklahoma doesn't have a minimum wage and the federal default is $7.25/hr

California. In-n-out stayed cheap somehow. I think maybe because they were already paying their workers $20/hour so they didn't have to change anything when the minimum wage increased? Dunno, but it is truly wild to go to any other fast food place in the state and then get the best burger for the cheapest price at In-n-out. And no, I don't work for them but I'd franchise the fuck out of one of them things if they weren't all family-owned.

Sometimes there are pickles, other times there are none.

The current Ayatollah isn't involved in that level of decision-making. It would be like charging the Archbishop of Canterbury for shit Boris Johnson got up to (or charging Yitzhak Yosef or David Lau instead of Bibi). But they do charge senior members of the Iranian government when they commit crimes. For example, in March of 2023 the ICC charged Issa Zarepour and General Seyyed Hojatullah Qureishi with war crimes. Most effective way to avoid getting charged is to not commit war crimes.

Well, the purpose of a trial would be to establish exactly that, and obviously Netanyahu would be entitled to a defense and (one assumes) would deny the charges in the indictment, but those charges include (copied and pasted from the ICC announcement):

Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the Statute;

Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health contrary to article 8(2)(a)(iii), or cruel treatment as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);

Wilful killing contrary to article 8(2)(a)(i), or Murder as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);

Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime contrary to articles 8(2)(b)(i), or 8(2)(e)(i);

Extermination and/or murder contrary to articles 7(1)(b) and 7(1)(a), including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity;

Persecution as a crime against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(h);

Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(k).

What a weird comment lol. Do you want the ICC to issue arrest warrants for all the people who weren't prime minister but could have been? The warrant is for what Netanyahu did, not for what someone else might have done in his shoes.

I'm not a sports guy, so please forgive me if I'm misunderstanding the situation here ...

But anyway, is it the case that the guy in the video is feeling sad because the other guys made the thing go through the other thing more times than his guys did? Is that, more or less, what happened here?

Nice guy, but a bit of an amateur. The true Ramadan life hack is staying up all night and sleeping all day.

Literally just depends on whether they agree with the politics expressed or not.

That's nothing. I saw a dude driving a horse and buggy right down the road.

I literally think some people are just allergic to it. Haven't done it since college myself, but every time I tried I had physical discomfort and sometimes intense stomach pain. Tried acid at one point and had no such reaction. People have allergies and fungi are always a little dicey imo. Might have nothing to do with set and setting or any trippy mumbo jumbo, just a simple good ole allergy.

Wish I saw this before clicking. Read the first quote and that's enough. I can get on board with treating people humanely if they are committed to celibacy and counseling. No one asks for their mental afflictions. But this dude is clearly justifying it and reveling in it and doesn't care who is harmed. Hadn't heard of the guy before and I don't see how this reflects on Nirvana as a band (I imagine Kurt would have throttled him if he knew), but I'm glad his reputation is being destroyed. Would have been even better if someone protected kids from him while he was alive.