Most likely, just don’t give them cooked bones on purpose because they splinter. Just keep an eye out for discomfort, vomiting or the shits.

I’ll admit I like the smell. But sniffing it would make me feel sick

I came out of university owing about £3k. Granted is way worse now and I didn’t borrow as much as I could have. However, it amazes me that people in the US get into $100’s of thousands and they end up barely paying off the interest when they finally get a job. America milks its population like cows.

Jesus Christ 2% of working age men? How the heck are they getting away with these kind of losses. Russians are sheeple.

Mate, this is serious if it’s what I think it is. Something similar happened to my Labrador and the vets were useless, down playing the issue for months until it killed him. For my poor Labrador it was an autoimmune disorder that I believe had been triggered by the possible overuse of some anti flea treatment. Though it can be anything that can trigger this kind of response.

Vets did all manner of tests and told me it would clear up with shampoos but it just got worse. Eventually they determined the issue but told me it was too late. Do not let them fob you off. Make sure you talk to the vet with the most experience and raise the possibility of an autoimmune issue. Scabs don’t just appear for no reason and look where they are appearing in locations the dog can’t reach this could well be the body attacking itself. If they’ve done scrape tests that came back negative as they did in my case, I would say you need to hurry and get him on a steroid treatment ASAP! I failed my poor dog. Don’t let them fob you off. Ensure you get a definitive diagnosis.

It was a horrible, slow, death and I just couldn’t let go when I should have. I will forever regret putting him through that.

I did all these things apart from the petrol drinking. At least not on purpose.

They don’t get to have their cake and eat it. Keep fighting in the hopes of defeating Isreal and keeping all of Isreal, Gaza and the West Bank and then, should that fail, fall back to the Oslo accord boundaries. They did not agree to the rather good Israeli proposal, therefore Palestine does not exist.

They will be extremely lucky if Isreal offers them those borders again in subsequent negotiations.

You reference the Oslo accords skipping the rather important aspect that they were rejected by the Palestinians just like I said earlier!

The Oslo Accords did not create a definite Palestinian state.[3] A large portion of the Palestinian population, including various Palestinian militant groups, staunchly opposed the Oslo Accords;” - Wikipedia entry

The boarder proposal was rejected hence there is no border and there is no state without a border.

Were they not putting this election down to a defacto vote on independence? Does that mean they’ll stfu for a few years?

All paid for by rUK. But rUK blamed for anything they couldn’t afford and buy off voters with. Win-win.

You didn’t read what I said. Virtue signalling “recognition” doesn’t make a state. There are no defined borders for this imaginary state of Palestine. It should have happened during the Oslo accords but Hamas rejected the proposal. Therefore there are no borders and Palestine does not exist.

Oh and just so we’re clear, I’m Welsh. I don’t even have any Israeli or Palestinian friends. My view is based on the facts available. I consider myself impartial but I see through a lot of Palestinian propaganda that so many are falling for. If it weren’t so fucking horrendous, it would be laughable.

lol, Palestine is not an internationally recognised sovereign state! Only sovereign states can recognise international boundaries of which the so called Palestinians have none! Even virtue signalling states do not define the he borders and so it’s still impossible to call Palestine’s country. They would need to reenter negotiations with Isreal for such a thing, but they’ve resorted to trying to destroy Isreal instead several times over. “From the river to the sea” they say. I.e genocide and the destruction of Isreal.

The reality is that they’ve tried to overthrow the leadership of Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon. There’s a reason none of these countries want them. They really should have taken the deal offered by Isreal originally, but they got greedy. They can only blame their leaders. Yasser Arafat didn’t do them any favours!

Isreal, Gaza and Judea and Samaria (West Bank)

You need to read up on the middle east!

Palestine isn’t even a country and doesn’t have a unique language even if they had agreed to proposed 2 state solutions, which of course they did not as per the failure for Hamas to approve the Oslo accords.

Not when they are representing corporate they don’t, at least not those that want to keep their jobs. This is not new. You are supposed to be neutral. This kind of thing is just going to upset people no matter how innocent it seems and it does, that’s why it banned!

Edit: Though not my original point I would add that this guy clearly isn’t Palestinian or at least he was forced to leave because of his sexual orientation. They’re not fans of gays or people presenting as possibly gay (e.g earring ). It is really quite ironic that people are defending a society that wouldn’t accept them.

This guy seems like a right cock. I watched because I was interested, but that guy made me want to slap him for some reason. I can’t even put my finger on why. Just rubs me up the wrong way.

When at work and in uniform, you should not be projecting your political views. It’s fucking common sense! It’s a business not a platform for your views.

Again, that’s not how exclusive economic zones work. Where there are overlapping claims the average is drawn. It’s not ambiguous as you are suggesting.

Except there’s plenty more defences on the islands now. Typhoons, sky sabre anti-air defence and 1,500 ground troops.

Ah, you mean your opinion is that Argentina own the Falklands and the people who live there, who nearly unanimously want to remain British, have no say? Sadly for you and the Argentinians, that doesn’t mean shit. The Falklands and the South Sandwich Islands are fucking British through and through, along with any associated resources. Our claim to Antarctica is also stronger than Argentina’s and there’s not much that you, or Argentina, can do about it but bitch and moan.

Read up on the internationally recognised borders. Exclusive economic zones do not overlap. That’s the whole point.

😂 …you mean like they intervened in the Falklands? They gave us some missiles and fuel only. They basically sided with a dictatorship against us and we still kicked the argies asses from the other side of the planet, outnumbered and outgunned. Argies had the home field advantage but they lost and even cried wolf when they lost the General Belgrano during a war they started.

Fact is that every leader of Argentina uses the Falklands as a diversion for their own mismanagement of their economy. They have all the resources they needed and have been set to become one of the world most developed nations, instead they fucked it up, time and time again!

Remind me who’s the only nation to have triggered article 5? How many time has the UK come to the aid of America?