That’s all the approval anyone can ask for!

That’s nice … if you make $150k in Texas. I’m not in Texas, and I dont make 150k. I also don’t get compensated in stock.

That 8% is worth it to me to not have to worry about having to feed my family if I ever lost my job or get seriously ill.

It used to be that you could retire comfortably. My parents did. For my generation or the ones after me it’s not that easy anymore. Personally, I don’t think I’ll get more than the minimum pension provided.

It’s not just still having an income. It’s also keeping your health insurance. Which is paid for by unemployment insurance.

I moved away about 15 years ago so this probably isn’t accurate anymore. Overall, state and federal in NC, if I remember correctly, I payed about 35% in taxes. If I sum it up here in Germany it’s about the same.

My former (american) inlaws could not understand that I’m ok with paying taxes. On the other hand they were surprised that I don’t have to pay anything for an ambulance, or surgery or such. They said that they didn’t want to pay for everyone else. But that everyone else is also paying for them in return never crossed their minds.

Paying for taxes or insurance has not limited the feedom I enjoy. On the contrary. It has enhanced it!!

I recently had to spent five days in the hospital. My co pay was €50. €10 a day. My wife had surgery a couple of weeks ago and had to spent four days in the hospital. Her copay was €40, €10 a day.

Why are Americans so hung up on taxes? I’d rather pay a bit higher taxes knowing that when I’m sick I’m provided for. And not just me, but eveyobe else too. That’s the concept of insurance.

That is actually not true. If I look at federal and state tax in the bracket I earn it’s about the same.

German here … I used to live in the States. I pay about as much taxes in Germany as I did in the States. What I get out of it is in a completely different league here in Germany as it is in the States.

Thanks. I actually wanted to use Gouda, but we were out of that. So Cheddar it was. I’d love me some pepper jack, but I’ve yet to find it in Germany. I don’t know if there’s an equivalent.

The taste was really good. The marinade was excellent. I think I will grill the chicken next time, though, for a more charred flavor.

Been using Netflix in three different countries for I don’t even remember how many years. Started using them in the States when they were still sending out DVDs, then in the UK for a few years, and in Germany for nearly 10 years or so. They’ve raised prices again starting next month. So I cancelled. It’s no longer worth it to me.

It was absolutely delicious. In fact, it was so delicious I made a second one.

We don’t do tomato around here.

I wanna cake like that!!

Ich habe seit 3 Jahren einen Enders Urban Pro. Das ist ein 2 Brenner Tischgrill, für den es auch ein Untergestell gibt. Der hat damals knapp €200 bei Amazon gekostet. Ich bin damit absolut zufrieden.

vc 20 with a casset tape