Dan is amazing!! his hammers are always so clean and fit in the hand perfectly! hope you enjoy!

idk id kinda agree most of that stuff is pretty sketchy there's about as much regulation as the supplement industry but I guess adding "fucking" makes it a bit aggressive

how is the suggestion to go see a therapist getting downvoted?

they are almost certainly soda lime glass and arnt heat shock resistant like boro i wouldnt recommend it.

glad to hear, and they aren't cheap but they're well worth protecting your eyes Here is a link to Philips page I'd recommend the Borotrueview 3 or 5.

please make sure you have proper ventilation if you going to work at home. but I'd second mountain glass or lampworking supply. you can buy color from them or directly from the manufacturers like Northstar Glassworks. Phillips makes didymium glasses. You probably want a shade 3 or 5 if you're working with color.

Oh my god i love this so much!! let me know if youd be interested in a trade for some of my glass art!

im a glassblower who works with dicro occasionally these are so cool!!

If you want to make earrings I would recommend trying flame working. It's a lot easier to work at that scale with flame working as opposed to glassblowing at the furnace. I'd recommend trying to Google intro flame working/lampworking classes in Warsaw. Hope you find something!

ooo im in ct is this viewable to the public id love to see it in person


Nothing positive is going to come from this interaction so this will be my last comment to you but this is just wrong the skull is the bridge for the eyes and if you want to do chameleons I would at least get basic anatomy right like missing the shoulder blade the number of bone/segments on their front arms should be3 not 2.

I've been blowing glass for 5 years 3 professionally I might still be a newb but I can tell it's done in the same way there's a few Akios in the gallery I work above. There's no issue with saying you were inspired by other artists and try to have your own take on it I just think credit is due. You'd have to claim you don't know Akios work to try to say you came up with that idea on your own.

Adding the floating eye doesn't help your case that's one of the most unique parts of his design. It feels like your trolling at this point.

according to this article

Azurite is highly susceptible to heat, and may even be destroyed by it

so my guess is it will burn or something at such high temperatures

Sorry for assuming you drew inspiration from him. To me, the tongue as a mouthpiece stood out as something specific to his design. and id say people like myself who don't know specific chameleon species this looks similar to akios work.

Dichro is so much fun! If you can you should try to hold it from the edges, sometimes the oils on our skin can mess with the dichro layer.