Drop the album already. Bro is milking this beef too hard dang.


yea because Mercedes are a proudly British company .. oh wait

that should be a deal break for any decent human

Wait till you see the other half of the Euro bracket

Is there a diss record that has been more commercialized? Bro is really riding this wave lol.

:lewis-hamilton: Sir Lewis Hamilton

Do people not see Max zigzagging under braking? If Norris went right he would have turned right. Basically this makes overtaking impossible.

I ain’t renting out my $2.5m sfh for shit. It’s just not worth it especially with the rental laws we have in the Bay Area.

What if the guy you were supposed to book scores a goal or does something of consequence? delayed decision could have unintended side effects?

I can't see Netherlands beating Turkey.

LFG! they need to cancel the stupid dividend and buy back more.

Yes, but it would be more expensive with more risk. It's always more profitable to sell the option than let it expire because of premium. If you want to do this why not just buy the shares?

lol but I don't see how anyone can give it to him over Vini. Vini cooked Paraguay so hard they tried to kill him.

Never seen a trading app with more amateur developers. Dudes couldn't even figure out how to use `toDate()` correctly

Interesting. I think it has a point. India is the most populous nation and they are projected to grow rapidly over the next few years. Modi could be one of the most consequential politicians for years especially since he just won re-election and has a lot of power. In contrast, Trump-Biden will prob be gridlocked for the next 4yrs and not get much done. EU leaders are also divided and diminishing in power.

I'd add that because it's a foreign company it misses out on many of the ETFs and index funds eg SPY

Fuck this draw. It ruined everything. The fact that Switzerland will go through over one Spain or Germany sucks.

:lewis-hamilton: Sir Lewis Hamilton

Why did Lando retire ? Rage quit?

England: Can we have Doku

Mom: We have Doku at home

* Eze walks in *

Southgate should take the team to Vegas with all this luck