Laid back, functional, and I don't like to objectify or sexualize myself. 

Also, utilitarian. 

My style is cool and kind of street I'd say.

Fckk, everyone moves to Spain. I lost three very special people to me to Spain, in the last two years :/

Bahaha welcome to my life. But I was a nihilist before Berlin too. Try to switch to absurdism, is like nihilism but more fun :D Berlin is the perfect city for it, since anything can happen here. 

That I'm a stable rock for those around me, and I'm more conservative than I thought haha. Still love this crazy city though, even when it breaks me sometimes <3 it gives more than it takes - still net positive so far. 

Nah, you're being a bunch of annoying and inconsiderate assholes. 

For me it's still going on, nonstop for 1.5 hours now. 

Nah f that. They're acting like a bunch of inconsiderate animals. 

I'm just waiting for this shit to be over lol

Take care sis, a number of us are going through breakups right now :)

Embrace your freedom, join some groups and do some physical activity, and just get out there and distract yourself. It's Berlin summer, focus on living, working and chilling. 

It will hurt a bit but let yourself grieve and move on. Also take care of your body, as going through a breakup has physical manifestations. 

And big ups to the girl that helped you - there are still good people in this world :)

Have you gotten over breakups faster with age?Romance/Relationships

Hey ladies, do you find that as you've aged you dwell less over relationships that end and get over them faster than when you were younger, with increased acceptance and understanding thst comes with age?

Porn fried brains is the culprit. I refuse to do it (33F).

And guys love giving head btw. 

Jesus Christ no you're not overreacting. Of course all this normalization of brutal porn and media are going to brainwash people into believing this. 

Which is why it's so important to speak to young women about these dangers beforehand. 

Lone Wolf is solid. Shows strength and power and not following the pack. 

I think they are two sides of the same coin, extremism in two directions. 

I yearn for the middle ground and try to create it in my life. 

Can you explain more about understanding how your brain thought being submissive felt good? 

I think there is a lot of money to be made from surgery, puberty blockers and hormones. So one pusher is the medical/pharma industries. 

But men are not usually the ones supporting the gender stuff, aside from LGBT ones. I find it's usually women who want to be empathetic and welcoming to all, not realizing it puts their spaces in jeopardy.