“Outside of presidential election years, between 30% and 35% of U.S. adults typically say they follow politics very closely.”

~66% of eligible voters bother to

33% of the 66% identify as democrat and roughly the same for republican.

The largest affiliation in the US is IDGAF or I don’t care.



Fuck this whataboutist bullshit. If the Republican Party ran a human being with any sort of humility or empathy for people then that candidate would be shaking hands with Biden.

It would be easier if Trump voters could tell anyone what they ACTUALLY FUCKING WANT aside from some vague freedom bullshit.

If only they hadn’t chosen to annoy everyone and instead spent their resources on things like improving their citizens wellbeing…

You lost us at “I’m just not a fan of…”

Well done princess. You created a human. Sook more fuckwit

Here’s how North Korean’s military attempting any aggression against the south goes:

First minutes: North Korean armed forces cross the border. 50% desert realizing the mistake. 49% continue on hoping that when they get close enough they can defect or die in the progress. 1% lose their minds. China shits the bed that they’re about to lose one of their wedges in East Asia.

12 hours later: news spreads and the angry and FUCKING HUNGRY population realize survival is their primary concern now and decide to raid local food and supply depots. Relations between China and Russia disintegrate on strategy

24 hours later: leaders among the desperate begin to emerge and mobilize. The elites realize the gig is up and flee to either China or Russia depending on their allegiance

48 hours+: the rest of not Russia or China is left to deal with humanitarian fallout while Russia and China regale their populations with the evils of the western invasion

ELI5. Where does the real money used to purchase the shares end up? Like if we all bought $100 worth of this on opening then where did that money end up?

Four friends have it now. Interesting commonality between them is that they’ve all had it at least once but none of them have had it sooner than 12 months ago. Perhaps that JN.1 from Late last year sweeping up a few stragglers now?🤷‍♂️