NTA, Hey OP looked through your comment history and based on the deleted posts and your comments there should have been more than enough reason to dump him already.

Your boyfriend is insecure and controlling as other commenters have already said. He is just trying to manipulate you. Anyone speaking to their partner in that way is waving a massive red flag you do not need his permission to do anything and he should have respect for your decisions and be mature enough to voice his opinion in ways that don’t invalidate you or your actions.

If you are comfortable and need more help with more perspectives try and talk to your parents about this as his behavior is not normal and you should not be being treated that way.

Got curious and found two excerpts posted a while ago on here if anyone else wants to give them a read [Excerpt 1 ] [Excerpt 2 ]. The first one provides a bit more detail and the second is focused primarily on the psyker’s point of view.

Sorry can’t give you a solid answer for why but best guess is it was deemed not needed during development. The max ceiling they operate at according to the USAF/Bell is 25,000 ft which is for reference not much different than the C-130s with the E/H being 19,000 and 23,000 ft respectfully and the J-30/J being 26,000 and 28,000 ft (with payload). From what I’ve read, they have oxygen masks for when they are operating at higher altitudes.

Haven’t really used my rp in a while but here’s my thoughts on it.

  1. DR was never really a big problem for me, definitely worse than a r6 and presumably the r8 by a noticeable amount but as long as you’re watching your exposure settings and have ok lighting conditions you should be fine. I did really enjoy the highlight recovery coming from a 70D tho, and it wasn’t any worse of an experience editing RAW files compared to other Canon cameras.

  2. I personally didn’t like going over 6400 iso because of the noise but if you do get one run some test shots till you find your acceptable noise level, I’m sure alot of people don’t mind the higher iso compared to me. I wouldn’t call it amazing for landscapes or anything it’s more than fine in most situations. I’ve used it in lowlight and it is definitely not great so bring a flash if you want cleaner images but if you’re willing to figure out some of its quirks you can definitely still work with it.

As long as you’re not intending to push it too hard you should be fine. Just keep in mind that it is one of Canons first gen full frame mirror less cameras so it has its issues but I still found it enjoyable for what it was.

r/NonCredibleDefense would love that also for everyone who loves a bit of Cold War fun.

Already have a bunch of answers explaining what it does but in case you have an other questions here’s the manual Im assuming that the lenses is a ef 100-400L i same idea regardless of lens tho.

The aircraft in this case a V-22 Osprey is not pressurized. What you are thinking of is probably an uncontrolled decompression, think Alaska Flight 1282. So when a pressurized aircraft has a rapid loss in cabin pressure like from a large hole it causes the air in the cabin to vent out of the aircraft until the pressure equalizes with that of the pressure outside of the aircraft. Which could lead to people or things possibly being thrown or sucked out if the hole is large enough due to that pressure difference being caused so rapidly.

The Resident Evil movies, but Scream really got me into non zombie related horror movies.

Not sure why but zooming in and out seems to fix image quality on the app

Not sure why the image quality looks bad on the app but zooming in and out seem to fix it

All me set my camera up on a tripod and did a couple bursts till I got a frame I liked

Honestly didn’t even realize other people got their merch probably would of if I noticed, still worked out tho which is all that matters

Dang guess I just lucked out on the shipping

Thanks, first time photographing something made of glass so it took me a bit to figure it out

Ordered Feb 20 arrived today may 3

Super fiesta - [hammer/rocket launcher + grappleshot] is the way to go if you want it done fast. Bit easier than husky raid depending on what map you get and less team dependent.

Took it toward the end of the flight when the cabin lights were dimmed. Did it handheld with an r6 and 24-70 f2.8