I love Jamaican food . I live in Durham and there's only a Turtle Cay .

Looks very much like my old girl who passed away. She was a Rhodesian ridgeback x mastiff


I put marmite in my beef stew . It gives it a nice salty savoury level that stays in the background. Thankfully my husband doesn't know what it is cause he hates marmite. And when it's just me in the house and I can't be bothered to really cook for myself, I will cook some pasta, save a tiny bit of the pasta water and stir a big teaspoon of marmite through the pasta with just enough water to make a sauce and chuck some grated parmesan on it .

I watched a gull the other day catch a rat, take it up onto a high roof and then drop it and the gull and it's mate had a feast. I have also seen the local populations of jackdaws, crows and magpies do pretty much the same thing with rats and mice 🤢

Pizza, but it has to be a veggie pizza cause they taste better cold than a meat based one in my experience. ( I used to walk to work munching on cold pizza and that's how I discovered that veggie pizza tasted as good cold than a meat based one )

I actually passed out when I had a IUD put in with painkillers and I was 42 at the time, and I have given birth 3 times . In fact I gave birth twice with only gas and air and that was a lot easier than having that damn IUD put in. And I don't consider myself weak cause I have 2 chronic pain conditions. I am in pain 24/7. I have also had a biopsy done on my cervix and my gynae offered to put me under general anaesthetic because of how I reacted when getting the IUD. Why do a small amount of cruel women go into nursing?

I was pretty lucky with the rescue that we got my boy from 4 years ago. I am in the North East of England. I saw him on their website and rang up and we got to meet him the same day. We already had the basics in place , such as we already had experience with rescues and large breeds , we have a large enclosed garden and was still on the books with a vet . They didn't have an issue with my adult son being on the spectrum like a couple of the big rescues had . We was turned down on that alone from other rescues.
We did have to go back with the Grandson, who doesn't live with us, but visits often, just to see how they both reacted to each other, ( they're now very firmly parnters in crime). But the vetting and adoption process was a lot easier and simpler than all the other rescues that we approached.

Grilled back bacon on a nice bread roll with HP sauce.

My school bully became a very sad, angry, lonely person after school ended. She was one of the 'popular 'girls and took pleasure in putting everyone down. Her little clique of friends slowly but surely distanced themselves from her, and all grew up and got on with their lives, got jobs and families of their own , but she kept that high school personality .

She never kept a job for long as she would end up getting sacked for her bad attitude or for stealing . She would also get herself arrested for disturbing the peace or being drunk and disorderly quite regularly. Her family tried all sorts to get her to turn her life around, and tried to get her into rehab when she began drinking heavily and couldn't get out of bed in the morning without a drink . Alcohol eventually killed her . She died 2 years ago . I speak to her sister quite often and they couldn't understand why she was the way she was, and it's broken her parents hearts , even though they did everything humanly possible to help her. It's pretty sad really.

For me it's a beef stew, a day or 2 after it's been made as the flavours seem to just improve. Same goes with a curry or a chilli .

YWBTA if you stay with him

He's waving more flags than the Moscow state circus, and it's only 6 months into the relationship. To him you are not a partner, an equal or even a person. To him you are a possession that he doesn't want anyone to look at . You are his and his alone. He will isolate you from your friends, and possibly your family eventually.
Get well away from him and do it now , and stay safe .

I used to take kids there every school holiday many years ago. My son was obsessed with Rajah the elephant skeleton and the stuffed apes and my daughters used to giggle at the "rude" mummy in the Egyptian bit .

Got them up at the windows at the front of my house now cause I live on a busy road, with nosy neighbours , nosy people who walk past trying to gawk in and a double decker bus going by every 20 minutes . Blinds make the house too dark and voile panels don't give enough privacy so I've got to have lace curtains that have a heavy pattern to stop nosy feckers looking in

I am a short arse at 5'3" but with arthritis in my hands , spine,hips,knees and feet. I also have fibromyalgia. I have had to make a LOT of adaptations in my kitchen so I can still enjoy cooking. I have a perch stool which I can rest on while doing the washing up or food prep. I have a big wooden chopping board that's roughly 6" thick . If I have to finely chop a large amount of anything I use the food processor, same with grating stuff. And when I am making dough , I use the stand mixer and knead the dough in that for about 15 minutes before proving. My knives I went to a cookware shop and tested out their weight and balance before buying, to make sure they weren't too heavy for my hands and wrists. I also did similar with my pans . Although I do have to ask my hubby for help if something is too heavy for me so I don't get burnt or scalded. I also have a lot of gadgets that are do make my life easier, such as jar openers, and tools that are more catered to disabilities. I am determined to stay as independent as I possibly can and enjoy cooking as much as I am able to. I have padded mats on the floor, as standing on a hard floor is awful on my joints. When I am standing up I keep moving my lower back and legs moving by either walking on the spot or swaying and rotating my hips so having music on in the kitchen is a must for me , and I can use the excuse of trying to dance as an excuse for marching on the spot when I am working away lol.

Now this is the type of gender reveal I want to see more of .


This was the first photo we took of Wolfie while he was still at the rescue we adopted him from.


Wolfie won't sleep without his duck.

"And as for you I'm not your Dad ". I was 9 years old and walked into the house where my mother and the man who I thought was and who I called dad were fighting and he saw me in the doorway and said that . They did split up , which was just as well as both were cheating on each other. Then when I was 13 after asking for the truth about who my father is for the past 4 years , she went went into great detail about how she wished that the 2 drs that she saw had allowed her to have the abortion that she asked for, but because she was a healthy young woman she had to have a child she didn't want and hates the sight of cause I ruined her life. Told me that my father was a married man who buggered off back to Scotland as soon as he found out she was pregnant. Thank the gods that I had my Gran, her mother, there for me cause I was a bit messed up and she practically raised me and showed me what being truly loved and cared for was like. I lost my Gran 15 years ago. Over the years she's told me other things about my bio father, but some of it doesn't add up or ring true . I have never looked for him , even though a part of me wants to, but that's mainly out of respect for his wife and family . I am now in my 50s and have very little to do with my mother who is a functioning alcoholic and her husband who's alright in small doses.

You don't say, in a really sarcastic tone. Or my favourite is telling them "you're going to poke someones eye out Pinochio" . Or just cough while saying bullshit.

She certainly did. I have had quite a few dogs in my lifetime, and I loved them all dearly , but Sasha was really something special.
The first few months that I had her, she was so frightened of everything , and would not sleep unless she was lay on top of me . When I met my husband , he was a bit apprehensive of her, cause she could look intimidating at first, but she won him over. I had to leave her with him for 6 weeks, while I was sorting everything out to move from my city to his, and she thought I had abandoned her, even though me and the kids would video chat to her every night. The day we moved, the furniture and stuff arrived before we did, and she went mental smelling everything and dived on the sofa and rolled about on it . As soon as I walked through the front door with the kids, she knocked us all over and licked us to death . She did however switch from being a Mammys girl to a Daddys girl. There was not a day that she didn't make any of us smile . Whether it was with just her snuggling up or by her daft antics. Like when we would take her a walk down by the river and she saw the rowers out training for races and she wanted to swim out and chase them, or the time she tried to chase a squirrel up a tree and somehow collided with the tree ending up on her back , paws in the air and a wtf expression on her face .

For her barking was beneath her. Someone could have been hammering on the front door and all she would do was raise her head up and look at one of us as if to say " well it's not for me, go see who it is, cause it's disturbing my nap " . The only time she ever really barked was when someone tried to rob the trampoline out of the back garden and that scared them off .

She also had selective hearing . We could call her to come in and no response, but crinkle a packet quietly , even from another room with a door shut, and she was there like a shot . Her and my youngest were partners in crime and no matter how well I hid treats away so they wouldn't be all eaten at once, those two would find them, no matter how obscure the hidey hole .

Sasha truly was a really special girl to all of us in the family.

I can smell the cow dung from here .

My neighbour was a prison officer for 15 years in a category A prison and he's been attacked a few times and has the scars to prove it . He's been punched, kicked, bitten, stabbed and the last attack he ended up with a broken nose, teeth knocked out and a dislocated shoulder while breaking up a fight . He quit not long after cause his wife begged him to.