Usually, when ppl do that with me, karma smacks them. you just gotta wait it out. The trash will eventually take itself out. It always does.

Them life is short, ppl better have a seat.

So compassion and no compassion got it.

As he's still chewing it🤣

Damn ill past my joint to yall.

This the people that Hate osha? The only ones are the corrupt politicians and close and they don't count.

I'm the type that you can come to me but I give out solutions so you don't have to go through that. I notice alot of people that do come to me are always the cause of their own problems and never want to hear solutions. Those type of ppl live in a loop. I guess it depends on the person and the situation maybe this person is like that. Like my mom for instance always co.plains about her husband but she married him knowing he had red flags. My complains about his mom but I told him if he would've took his financial part of his life seriously he wouldn't of been in that situation. The truth is other humans and money can cause you problems but you don't have to deal with it. We choose our battles. Like me I had depression and the only one that can save me is me from that like I had support and all that but at the end of the day I was the one responsible for all that.

My dad taught me to never trust the gov at a young age he's been on point with all his predictions, very wise, man.

Look, I may not know geography, but I know math, and all these got a common denominator, and that's they take people's will and rights away. 😌


My point still stands in a way then . All I know is that I'm tired of wicked ppl and their dumb rules that harm other ppl. That's the cherry on top. The bigger picture. While everyone correcting me, my focus is still going to be on the good people, lol. I apologize if I made a mistake. At least i aint beating women up for their free will, lol. I'm ignorant for that, yes, but I own upped to it. Will I do it again? No. Now let's move on and focus on what really matters, which is the animals. Their ignorance causes them to do evil things.

I honestly am not aware of geography. At least I'm not afraid to admit it. it doesn't mean I can't learn. I mean, I do have a learning disability lmao.


Yeah, I read that, but my brain got mad and thought it was Indians bc they also do shit like this. I just said I was sorry already, dang lol. Let's focus on the bigger problem. I'm not getting graded on this anyway. This is reddit, lol. Both parties are wicked in their own ways lol to me they all the same if they doing that they're the same I call them animals. Over here we got Christian and catholic men brainwashing the women fucking shit up. It's not any better over here.

Ppl like him starting to make ppl like me look smart lol. Right michio made a whole particle accelerator in his garage and neil expects us to take him serious like be fr my guy.


Damn your right. I'm sorry. I thought this article was from India its like I read one of each every other week they might as well all be the same now bc they all got fucked up views. It's cause I got a friend I work with from India going thru shit so I thought I was reading about them again and got a little heated I'm just tired of this bad shit happening to good humans me personally knowing ppl going thru stuff bc of others religious beliefs is starting to take a toll on me. Fuck all that shit I know I'm not the only one tired that's why like why even defend all that when they all do bad towards the people they might as well all be the same as someone who also came from a organized religion. We fucking tired. I have different friend from different back grounds and religions and myself as well and I can conclude theyre all fucked up in their own way. If I did have to choose maybe Buddhism bc that teaches everyone to mind their own damn business.

And they'll keep getting away with stuff .....

Fuck that religion and any other fucked up religion. And fuck their caste system.

Yeah I'm one of those that are struggling. My mom does taxes for them too and I don't blame them. It sucks that humans gotta work hard. they're not the problem though like I said the ones that run the system do bc it doesn't have to be this way. Woman make more money on there than I do working at a warehouse and who's fault is that?the people that make the rules. It's sideways. Those are the same very whores yall be paying and jacking off too so it's kinda a 2 way street lol 2 wrongs don't make a right gotta blame the cherry on top. The CEOS and the ones who make the laws are prob their tops fans.


The economy got these woman going to only fans it's like me going to work trying to make quota for my boss you think I really wanna do that for his old ignorant ass naw but I need the money and gotta eat lmao. I don't think any of these woman really want to do that shit I personally known strippers that hate their job but a girls gotta eat common now. As a man would you really wanna get paid to entertain old and disgusting men??? I'm pretty sure yall Been around creepy people at least once in your lifetime and can be the judge for yourselves lol.

Yeah, I was in Jr High when I heard the kids talking about it. My parents raised me so innocent. I remember some kids were talking about sucking dick (i had no clue what that was) and boys talking about girls' body parts. Girls were getting harassed at a young age during that time by boys. All I could think in my head was I don't belong here, lmao. Then my bf went to a Catholic private school in Jr High, and the stories he told me were way worse, lol. Then ppl wonder why I don't want kids like my parents can raise me properly but as soon as your around other kids that aren't properly raised it can spread like wildfire I remember some kid telling me to go on free kids are curious as well.I was like 11 wondering like wtf is wrong with these Lil devils, lmao. I learned all the fucked up shit from other kids bc their parents sucked at watching them.