wtf I think this has more to do with who you’re trusting than just a blanket statement of not letting anyone use your rig anymore

For clarification, is it 1 year or $100M? Like what if I spent $100M in the first month, can I then start spending on others after that even though it’s within the first year?

Your brain would be so fucked up after 25 years of virtual solitary

5 years old is a looong time ago. Being an adult trapped into a child's body and having to pretend to live as an age-appropriate child sounds like torture ngl... plus we don't have all the technologies that we've now grown accustomed to.

I'd still do it, but I'd be anxious about how difficult it would actually be psychologically until you get to your mid-teens or so. And I'd probably choose 1. I think I would be very disappointed in myself as I view myself from an outside lens growing up

Nice! I’m enjoying these answers and honestly kinda surprising to see there are a fair number of people who use L1 charging which fares well for them.

Someone else posted a link to a video about battery preservation and one of the points said that it’s better to do many small charges rather than doing fewer deeper discharges, so you might be better off continuing your habit of charging up to 80% every night but limit it to off-peak hours only!

I’m suuuuuper excited as well but I’m even more scared of taking the Benning route and playing these prospects in the NHL too soon before they’ve had a chance to properly develop

Niceee free chargers at work is amazing. Spend 8 hours there and you’re pretty much always fully charged up (to 80%)

ah that's interesting, good to know, thanks!

Is it safer or better for the battery to do that, rather than charge a bit faster and just let it hold at 80% while plugged in?

For me, easy answer is teleportation. I’m not nearly as motivated as I’d need to be to make full use of 23 hours and 55 minutes of a day and would be bored out of my mind. Teleportation however means I can go wherever I want, whether it’s somewhere far like Italy for a pasta dinner or just popping over to my parents’ without having to drive an hour through traffic.

Nice. This is the other way I was thinking… just plug in and get to 80% every day so I have full confidence every day I drive that I’ll have no range issues even if an unforeseen long day comes up

yup this. not an overpay considering he's going to be 1C or 2C for Boston. definitely overpay on the Canucks as a 3C or winger.

That's what I was thinking of doing too... plug in once in it hits 40%-45% maybe and get it back to 80%

Charging Habits?

Just curious to hear what everyone’s charging habits are. ie. only EA free charging? Plug in every time you go home and limit max AC charge? Wait until your battery goes below 30% before charging?

You mean the button on the handle of the charger?

Yeah curious to know about this as well. I definitely feel like I’m being overcautious asking this question haha

Safe to unplug charger without stopping charge?Question

Hey all, another quick question for y'all. As per the title, is it safe to unplug an unlocked charger without either stopping the charge first using bluelink or doing something else?

Context: I live in a condo and my very gracious and generous neighbouring stall owner is letting me share his home charger when he's not using it. He says that due to his job he often comes home late at night and may need to use the charger. Of course I don't want to be a hindrance to him and want to ensure he has priority to use his own charger when he needs it, so I did some digging and found a setting that keeps the charger unlocked at all times, even if the car itself is locked.

I've tested it and indeed have no issues with simply pulling the charging cable out even if the doors are all locked and I don't have my key anywhere near me. However, I'd like to know if this does any sort of damage to the car or charging system that I do this without first stopping the charge. My primitive brain assumes it's the same as plugging/unplugging our phones without first turning it on/off but just wanted to double check I'm not missing something. Thanks!

Thanks, that’s a great note. I’ll remember to pop it into eco mode when I’ve got HDA going. I drove a couple of days in eco mode and really enjoyed how smooth everything was but the slow acceleration curve really made me feel how heavy the car is. I’m using a custom mode that keeps it in RWD only and I think that seems to be the right balance for me.

And great point about distance as a part of the efficiency function. Now that you reminded me of that it’s like “no shit” in my head answering my own question 😂

What’s your charging strategy for the return trip?

Stupid question but is there a point of diminishing returns? We were around Bellevue square for dinner and I was literally stuck in traffic inching around the square and then in the parking garage and got 2.1 lol.. I imagine I have to actually drive at some sort of speed before it’ll be efficient right?

Also you mentioned eco mode. Does it make a difference which drive mode I’m using while using HDA?