What a fucker. I have a home garden, and I feel your pain.

I would make sure that he got squeezed for each of the undoubtedly rare, heirloom, organic plants you purchased with cash from the local farmers market maybe 2 or 3 months ago. On a Saturday. Or was it Sunday? In a neighboring town (or were you on vacation?). Regardless, it's obviously at least $200 worth of damage, perhaps even more!

You will always have chipmunks and squirrels. The chipmunks like to find my almost-ripe tomatoes, take a single bite, and move on to the next. I can't vine-ripen a tomato to save my life. However, if I pick at first blush, I can ripen indoors.

I have success with cucumbers, peppers, garlic, onion, zucchini, and nasturtium. However, a hungry enough deer will eat everything.


Sorry, did you say something? I couldn't rightly hear you with Trump's dick in your mouth.

With the exception of the TikTok BS, there were drug overdoses and suicides in the 1990s in school bathrooms, too. When I was in HS, someone also got thrown through a plate glass window, got shot in the parking lot, got knifed in the parking lot, set the bathroom on fire, and suffered a skull fracture in the bathroom. The sheer number of bomb threats in my first two years as a HS student was staggering.

Social media has amplified issues and disseminated dumb ideas, but some kids (typically less than 10%) are always going to do criminal, dumb-ass stuff. I know; I was one of them.

Husband is projecting and needs to quit with the passive-aggressive bullshit, and should be clocked for involving a toddler. Fuck this guy.

the Nazis made it a point to indoctrinate the children and make the state, the stewards of the children

So, banning books and curriculum that present verifiable facts to students, restricting abortion care of victims of molestation, incest, and rape, and demonizing LGBTQ+ children and their families is NOT indoctrination? God, you're an ignorant fuckwit.

The operative word, which you missed, is seemed. Details matter.

Man, these were ugly AF in the 90s, and they still are.

Because the spikes appear to be metal, it's safe to say that it's post-1850. The u-shaped handle indicates that it was intended as an umbrella rather than a parasol. The pagoda-style umbrella has experienced popularity several times in the past 175 years, so without seeing it, it's difficult. However, the very clean condition suggests, to me, that it is more recent.

If you could provide any information about markings and materials, I could be more precise.

This screams 1970s to me.

I'd eat an egg salad sandwich that has been sitting in the sun all day before I voted for Trump.

I had a similar experience. I was with my husband at a casual bar and grill on an early Sunday afternoon. Went in for a bloody Mary and some apps.

We were sitting, waiting for our food, watching the Boomer Couple stagger around their high-tip table. Boomer Woman was wearing a tight, low-cut top that displayed her drunken, pendulous, gelatinous mammaries, an acid-washed, circa 1988 denim ruffled skirt, and cowboy boots. Boomer Man was wearing a Harley-Davidson shirt. Whatever. They're loud and obnoxious, but I teach teenagers, so I'm pretty immune to this.

Our food arrives (yum!) and we start to dig in. Then, we hear it. Splattering sounds. Like someone is spilling a big pot of soup on the floor.

It's Boomer Man. He's leaning over, mouth open, and vomit it running out of it and splattering on the table and floor.

It was the last time we went there; bars need to work on not over-serving their patrons, and Boomers need to be on a fucking leash.

We need to talk about the Rachel Ray cat "food" you've been serving me.

When I remove frames, I use a fume board first. Then, I put the frames in a large plastic tote with a stout, snap-on lid that I put in my garden cart/wagon and pull back to the garage. Bees can't get in, and the scent of honey is minimized.

The dude supported racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, violent rhetoric and policies by endorsing a fascist who attempted to overthrow the government.

Would you be crying if the victim was someone at a Klan rally? Because that's essentially what you're doing.

vilifying people just for disagreeing with us

This isn't about vilifying someone for their "different" beliefs; it's about some beliefs being so cruel, heinous, and inhumane that they need to be vilified and, if possible, eliminated.

Hasn’t Trump even publicly stated he thinks project 2025 is bad and doesn’t support it?

Sigh. Some people truly don't understand nuance, and many must have the memory of goldfish.

He said this recently because it is politically expedient and advantageous to do so. Project 2025 is not new; it began in April of 2022. It was literally designed by many people in his administration to ensure a Trump autocracy. Now, he's trying to convince uninformed people that he knows nothing about it, in order to attempt to distance himself from something that has proven publicly volatile.

You know how to tell if Trump's lying? His mouth is moving.

Most of us just learned about Project 2025 a week ago

Where have you been, under a fucking rock?

now you assume every republican is on board.

Just the ones who have espoused similar fascist beliefs as the Heritage Foundation. This would include Trump, Abbot, DeSantis, the idiot brigade including MTG and LB, amongst many others.

If dude was at a Trump rally, dude was supporting Trump and, tacitly, fascism.

It should go without saying that groups are not monoliths.

Except Trump supporters are a monolith, because (duh) they all support Trump and his draconian, fascist policies.

Maybe try to find some unbiased sources before you post such ridiculous bullshit.

"voter fraud in the U.S. is not a “widespread” issue, as some online commentators claim, but made exceedingly rare by existing safeguards."


And if he really died protecting his family then he is a hero in my eyes. That is selfless

No, it's being a decent parent. You should protect your children; it's part of the job.