This. It’s so inconsiderate to be so unaware of your surroundings.

Similarly: people with no situational awareness. Example: people walking slow as hell down the middle of the sidewalk. It’s fine if you’re going to walk slow, but move to the side so you’re not blocking people from getting by you.

I think there’s nuance here. This may be the case for your company or even industry, but my employer’s wfh policy states we are only allowed to work from approved wfh locations, which is only our home address by default. Any other locations must be approved by HR.

Anyone know what acceptance rates are for graduate students? I’ve never found that data.

Clearly I know nothing about electric vehicles and charging stations because I totally thought all those charging stations were just free.

Definitely need an appreciation for the cold to be happy here!

There a couple good books I’d recommend that take place in Massachusetts. Tuesdays with Morrie and the State Boys Rebellion. Both are non-fiction.

Do you feel as though you need additional skills in order to become reemployed? If yes, and if you are currently collecting unemployment benefits, your state may offer a program which will help you find a relevant program to upskill and may pay for the program as well. There is a program like this called TOP in Massachusetts. Many people who were recently laid off in tech are taking advantage of it.

Massachusetts. Love it here and feel very lucky to live here.

Here in Boston, winters have become much milder than they were just a decade ago because of ~climate change~

If someone called me a Yankee I’d just laugh tbh 😂

Genuinely curious, where can you buy a home for $250k in the U.S.?