I don't see where they assumed motivation or political views. She volunteered for a military known for its brutality against a minority group. That part wasn't an assumption on her

Just saw it now, very nice! Someone else posted an Epyon with white panel lining which gave me the idea. Admittedly I don't have the patience to go all out but I think they work very well on the wings

All it takes is genociding another group I guess. They get all the weapons they want but can't go to one convention

Thank you! Hope you don't mind a color version coming soon as well!


I honestly had to think hard to remember that Mister Terrific is a legacy character. I feel like his original is so obscure in comparison that he doesn't entirely count. It's like considering Zatanna a legacy character. Technically true but we almost never get the original anymore.

I'm just being nitpicky though. Agreed that Marvel has generally done better with new minority super heroes rather than using legacies

I think it's an issue alot of media has with bi characters. They rarely bounce between the 2 genders unless they're meant to be promiscuous characters. Legends of Tomorrow did it well though by actually showing the characters settling down in hetero and homesexual couplings


I'd follow thru with the Last Jedi, probably use much of the original episode 9 script, except I'd cut out the weird Rey/Poe romance it had. We'd also probably have to start with a funeral for Leia

Anyways, Rey continues to be a nobody, Kylo is the main villain and he doesn't get redeemed. The new Jedi Order no longer seperates the force by light and dark but begins to accept both as a balancing aspect. Also Rey needs a double bladed lightsaber.

There should definitely be plenty of time between the new movies too so that we can add in a Clone Wars style show or atleast comics

Forcing someone to join an army and kidnapping to join an army seems more similar than not

It isn't that she was weaker, she was just generally dealing with Ozai level bosses every season.

Also, while she's an extremely skilled bender, simply overpowering her villains usually wasn't the point of the stories she was in. So she would lose to allow the story to continue until her arc was completed for the season.

But I do prefer people saying she's weak rather than the many sue complaints she used to get

Ohhh. Eh, I doubt it but he does have alot on his side. He's a master while she isn't. Airbenders seem to be difficult for people to fight since they're so agile and so few have had a chance to fight them so benders don't seem to know how to counter easily

Aang was never shown to be untouchable in his series though, regularly being in danger while Korra was fully trained in 3 out of 4 elements by 16 (and also not invincible). I don't see either having an easy time but age and proper training in multiple elements makes me lean toward Korra

If you're talking about air bending, sure. Aang is a master airbender. Korra is extremely talented and the Avatar but she never exhibits the same level of skills Aang or Tenzin have. Avatars are the jack of all trades and shouldn't be more skilled than a master of an individual nation, outside maybe their own

It's going to be awhile before we see the movie (though 2027 seems a bit too far) but I doubt AI would help much. There is definitely alot of worry over ai taking jobs but alot of what it can do currently is quite subpar and won't speed up all that much of what they do

They've already been using AI-like technology since the first movie though. It's simply not the bottom of the barrel crap that midjourney produces. Some of the comic black lines used machine learning and developed by the artists on the project

Depends on what kind of career you're looking for. I'm a storyboard artist and most of us don't really have much of an online presence. If you're in an industry that works heavily off of networking with other artists, it could be a good idea though.

If you're trying to get people to buy your personal art, Cara might not be great though as you're trying to sell to other artists on that platform

I recall. I've never been into the Inhumans but I remember the basics. It just seems weird to choose to not be able to communicate independently. Even if his commands can be announced through Medusa, there's more to life then that

(yes I know its a simple story from decades ago, just seems like a gaping plot hole)

If he were real, he'd probably just learn sign language and have no problem communicating. Is there a reason in the comics that he doesn't?

You're being so weirdly defensive. Whether it's ai or not, it certainly looks it which is what everyone keeps saying. Both in its rendering as well as lazy designs

Is this sarcasm? Writing isn't natural nor is being able to speak to people on the other side of the world. Gay stuff is actual pretty rampant in nature as opposed to all the unnatural technology we use

The designs, color pallette and shading techniques all look like they were AI generated. Maybe they aren't, but they certainly have the look

I haven't played or looked into the actual game so I can't and wasn't commenting on it, just these Spidey designs people have been posting lately