I think you need to face the reality the there are more uninformed voters than there are informed ones.

Seems established that felonies do not disqualify anyone from running so it is a moot point regardless of how anyone feels about it.

I admittedly don't following traditional news, but online, I don't see anything about what Biden plans to do if he is reelected. Maybe he is during his speeches, but it isn't making it is way to the front at all.

"More of the same" as the last 4 years doesn't scream appealing to voters on the left when 4 years ago we made the same consession by voting for him on his promises most of which he has failed to follow through on or has refused to use his position to adequately push for those things to happen.

He has to do more or he is going to lose the vote from most of anyone left of center completely if he hasn't already.

Airfare is still the biggest factor here. If Americans can GET to India it would be cheap and luxurious, but a round trip flight from the US would cost over $1000 in most cases.

As someone who likes movies, the movie is also kinda the point?

I think the bigger issue is someone that cannot focus attention on a movie with someone for 2 hours without getting distracted. Has anyone gone to a theater before?

Hell, I would vote for a Biden that did SOMETHING to win over voters.

I feel like the meme guy with a stick begging him to do anything to show is is going to fight but nope, just laxing his way through the election, faux pas after faux pas, as the "alternative to Fascism" is apparently all we are going to get from Old Joe.

Why are people like this to soccer/football players?

Does rushing the field like this happen as often in any other sport? What are these fans hoping to attain?

I hate Trump as much as the next guy but it isn't HIS Project 2025.

Which should make it worse that it is a group of people that want this garbage, not just Trump. Whether it is him or another far right Republican - this is more than likely the long term game plan.

I feel this is important to note.

And then there will be Project 2029, Project 2033, ad infinito.

Each time is going to be the "last time" and "last chance" and frankly if we are going to teeter so far on the edge of collapse for the rest of my life, I'd rather it happen already so we can begin the recovery process.

People act like Republicans will never hold the presidency again and it is laughable. I'm not going to continue to vote for the "lesser" of anything for the next 20 years.

How about the other side earn my vote instead of shaming me and threatening me if I don't vote for them. Keep doing that and I guarantee you that Trump is the winner this year.

This. No way this happened with the screws in, would not have broken this cleanly.

This guy right here! He's seen Billy Madison!

So hilarious!

It doesn't fit at all without the scenario but let's give him some props for parroting a movie quote like he does the views of the main stream media without thinking for himself!


All the horror stories I see with glass tables/desks- not sure why people even use them.

Or even to the rest of Gen Z and Millenials who aren't going to vote.

There are enough young people to topple results if they weren't so disenfranchised with the system

For drugs 20+ years ago.

Did you ever make a mistake bruv?

Dude he isn't anti-vax and you are spreading propaganda.

RFK is fully vacced himself and as a lawyer fought to remove mercury from vaccines. He cost big pharma a lot of money and his stance on vaccines is that they should be subject to the same rigorous testing as other medicines for public consumption. Currently they are none.

He has been completely sober for over 20 years.

The media is lying to you because he is a threat to both sides.

RFK is not batshit.

He was beloved as all hell until he went after big pharma. Both sides slander him and paint his flaws a bigger than the others when they are not.

Most of what you have heard about him are lies by both sides because HE IS A THREAT to the two party oligarchy.

I'm willing to be that most of you get your info off the BS news media who is bought and paid for by big pharma.

It is absolutely laughable that Kamala has no flaws.

Took way too long scrolling to find this.

He is calling for vaccines to have as strict guidelines as every other medicine.

He is completely vaxxed himself.

He is the reason mercury is no longer included in vaccines because we know how healthy that is to humans so you are welcome.

As I said - belive thing mainstream media over the facts.

So you are saying you know nothing about him other than what the partisan media has told you?

Go figure.

Wow you can just tell all of you have been bought and paid for by the main stream media who is disparaging RFK. Do any of you do your own research or just parrot the headlines you see in Reddit.

Bobby Kennedy Jr. Only became a "lunatic" after going after big pharma. How convenient. Before that he was a practical rockstar who overcame tragedy and addiction and was generally adored by the public.

The parroting of the "brain worm" story is so laughable and making fun of someone who had a medical condition that was ages ago and overcome. Do you know how many people have parasites each year? The dude has traveled all over the world for environmental causes that he was bound to pick something up along the way.

The "eating dog" BS was proven wrong by him when he said it was goat. End of story and a flat out lie.

He isn't anti-vax or pro Hamas either. Do your damn research.

He is being slandered by both sides because he is a better choice in every conceivable way that the other two candidates and is anti-corruption and anti-corporation.

You parrots are throwing away any chance of taking the country back from the two party oligarchy and they just have to let you do their dirty work and spread their lies.

Kennedy for President.

So well intentioned thoughtful old man with a speech impediment could be Biden or RFK.

He is not "such a nutjob" about those things. He isn't anti vax and he is pro solution between Israel and Gaza, and that we as outsiders are not in the position to decide and determine that solution. There is a lot of information out there that is slanderous and untrue.

RFK faught to remove mercury from vaccines for years and is pro vaccine but thinks they should be held to the same safety standards as other pharma, and they are not. He does not want to get rid of vaccines and he is fully vaccinated himself.

Check the youtube video "Who is Bobby Kennedy?" to see a glimpse of how the media turned on RFK the moment he started going after pharmaceutical companies. Why? Because they control the content of the media outlets.

I am a progressive voter that is going to either not vote or vote for RFK Jr. If I do.

He is at least running on a platform and making promises to the American people. Whenever I hear the other two, it is always about the past- what they did. During the debate they both failed to answer nearly every question about "what are you GOING to do" about issue x or y and always gave a non-answer.

People can shame me all they want but it is jus proving the OPs point and all the shame in the world isn't going to convince me to change - action or change of candidates will.

They can have both. Like I said, it is up to who is in control - is it the women choosing to do it or is the company objectifying then?

The whole women's movement is based in the fact that "life isn't fair" and was discriminated more so towards women in the industry as they were treated like objects and bathroom breaks rather than talent. Do you see men involved in sexual storylines that don't involve women? Why not? Because some people look at women and see sex instead of anything else and that is the only values.

But, women intentionally reverting back to the stereotyped sexual stories and interactions can and will be seen to some as moving backwards and turning the legacy that the talented women wrestlers of the last decade have helped to build post Diva era to paint them as people and talented wrestlers instead of sex symbols.

I don't have a say on any of it, as I am not a woman, but I try my best to stay educated.

Because women have worked hard in wrestling for the last decade to DEsexualize the women's division and force fans and the companies to see them more than just eye candy or the brunt of perverted jokes/storylines from the male roster.

And it is unfair that some women are able to skip the talent and training portion of wrestling to become superstars based on the fact that they were born pretty and know how to utilize it.