I live in the US south, so I have hunting experience and am a decent shot. That being said being 26 and already having a bad back on top of Depressive, Slow Poke, and Night Owl aren’t doing me any particular favors.

The lack of Sazza is quite frankly offensive. Lemme take a bite outta that thiccen nugget.

One day we will. There’s literally dozens of us across the world. Dozens I tell you!

We have very different take aways. I thought I'd also soften to Jaina after the discussion with her before the purge, but her reaction is frankly ridiculous. She acts as judge, jury, and executioner without any form of investigation. At best, she looks like a cowboy shooting from the hip, and that's a really generous at best.

Played it from an Alliance perspective, and honestly just feel gross after. Jaina is bad, but people really skim over how psychotic Vereesa is. She has you killing sunhawks, killing sunreavers both hiding in the sewers and inside their faction section, and killing various shop keeps throughout Dalaran. The way they handle the the Displaced Sunreavers makes it pretty hard to defend Jaina and Vereesa's actions. None of them are aggressive until Jaina or the player attacks, in which case they defend themselves.

Additionally, I personally don't think the Jaina kill vs capture change was a bug fix. dialogue like "You had your chance to run" makes it pretty clear where her intent lies. It's pretty clear it's a retcon and claiming it was a bug is honestly pretty lazy on Blizzard's part. The problem with that is even if you assume the intent is to capture and not kill, the purge is still pretty inexcusable. Walking through a city and systematically beating and imprisoning people based on their ethnicity isn't a defensible position. Again, she's actively going for people who do not initiate combat, not enemy combatants.

So again, the actions of individuals led to the beating, killing, and imprisonment of an entire ethnic group within Dalaran. The actual purge has Jaina moving through the city burning, freezing, and then imprisoning said ethnic group due to this decision. Vereesa has the player rooting out members of this ethnic group from their homes, shops, and the literal sewers. Additionally, Vereesa tasks the player with killing their only remaining means of escape (sunhawks). This is all done without any form of investigation actually being performed to determine who the responsible parties are. Jaina and the player follow an arcane trail that just leads to a Dalaran portal, that's it. Nothing is shown to indicate the Sunreavers as an organization were responsible. Jaina ignores any form of due process, and condemns an entire ethnic group for the actions of individuals.

The Silver Convenant, with the assistance of the Alliance and Jaina, indiscriminately beat and then imprison tons of innocents to punish the actions of individuals. If that's an okay decision to make, then Theramore is justified. If we can enact collective punishment, then the handful of people from Theramore that assisted the Alliance in securing a foothold and pushing into Kalimdor justify Theramore being taken out.

The whole thing felt like helping the Silver Covenant and Jaina enact their own Kristallnacht.

And aoc where I am is 16 and only allows 18+ relations with a “Romeo and Juliet” clause. It isn’t a myth, you’re defending pedophilia.

I can’t tell if no one is talking about Blood and Thunder getting baked in qbecause there’s only three of us playing warrior, or if we’re trying to fly under the radar of the fun police.

And many also have laws that make it illegal if one party is a legal adult while the other is only 15-17. The point is to decriminalize teenagers being stupid with other teenagers, not enabling pedophiles.

Hope I didn’t come across aggro. Yeah, people like that backpedal and try to diminish once they know they messed up.

They say in the video the kid was already petting the dog when they asked. Piece of shit tree making rotten apples.

Because the main characters are either women or have melanin.

There are real issues with the show that deserve some critique: episode length is honestly pretty bad for the amount of money they sunk into it. However, it’s hard to take any critical arguments in good faith when a lot of the critique is rooted in culture war BS. The show is okay, but it’s by no means bad.

Much like midichlorians, a lot of Star Wars fans don’t seem to like melanin either. The show is fine, the incels have just decided everything is a culture war.

I’m American and can understand Sam fine when I can hear him. I have to listen with AirPods or in my car relatively loudly though. Definitely couldn’t listen with my phone speaker or a can speaker.

Early Archives had some mixing/mastering issues with their audio as well. I’m glad they’re getting feedback, and I guess they’re just having to figure out the right set up for this cast. It was honestly easier to ignore with Archives since they went with the whole tape recorder effect, and it’s just easier to notice with Protocol.

We made Blorgia happen, would love to see a Blorth Blarolina.

As someone washed and shaven but also heavy set, nah. There 100% is privilege tied to being thinner, and there are plenty of things that people who are thin can pull off that heavy set people can’t.

Starfield has a system issue problem that adding quest content won’t fix. Space exploration is bad. Outposts are bad. Crafting is bad. Adding a single planet with a quest line won’t solve the systemic issues.

Any of the goblins. I’m mad I can’t take a bite out of any of those thiccin nuggets.

That game is an artistic masterpiece, and I will not apologize.

They most definitely did not die by fire. There was an isolated fire, an explosion, and then an entirely separate part of the grounds had a pile of dead witches. Mae’s master or the Jedi definitely had a hand in all that.

You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Maybe it’s because Israel isn’t an apartheid state? And the only groups that are claiming that also have a track record of some other wild ass takes? Also, what reality do you live in? People that are pro-Israel have to walk on egg shells around others unless they want to be lambasted by people siding with a literal terrorist group.

:Crimson_Fleet: Crimson Fleet

Space exploration is a joke, outposts are quite literally pointless, weapon “crafting” is beyond boring. Why are you so willing to throw more money at a poorly made game when you’ve already paid above industry standard for it? Have some level of self respect.

:Crimson_Fleet: Crimson Fleet

Because base game is devoid of meaningful content and is a joke? They’re in a No Man’s Sky situation, and they aren’t even attempting to rebuild goodwill.

Because there were definitely not Jews living in the area during the foundation of the modern attempt at Israel. 🙄