well... at least they're attempting literary analysis.

Give them problems they can use their role abilities to solve (or not). If they get stuck, you can remind them of their role abilities.

you're such a asshole. Your friend was literally sexually harassed in front of you and you did nothing. And instead of reflecting and maybe being like "yeah I fucked up, I should've stood up for her" you're trying to deflect all accountability. Grow up, get a spine, stop posting this manosphere bullshit.

the 2077 logo is a bit too pretty and detailed for me, I like the rough and spray painted look of the ttrpg logos

thanks, was just looking for that.

figuring out who the asshole is isn't helping you solve the problem.

You are free to believe in whatever you want, however this doesn't have anything to do with animism. Also you might be trans.

I'm a bit interested. My main interest is game design and I have been learning the theory for years but I haven't gotten much real practice unfortunately. I am familiar with how Godot works and have some expirience as a producer in anarchist space (not for video games, but I feel it's probably transferable). I know some code and a bit of art.

Follower's don't all need to be helpful to everyone. It's more about a larger goal of helping the people of the wastes as a whole, doesn't mean every member has an obligation to each individual.

I live in Estonia and I like to think it's bad here but everywhere else is worse.

It still experienced fallout and it wasn't completely free from nuclear blasts, just most of them. There was still societal breakdown.

Do you have any advice for aspiring or beginner TTRPG writers and designers?

You can tell people to go screw themselves if their criticism bothers you too much :D Hope you keep open-sourcing!

Generally, the value of caps is seen to be derived from the fact that they have the "spiky" edges, which are hard to replicate. The twist off caps you are talking about seem much more easier to replicate and therefore might not be trusted.

"everyone under 30 is basically 15 to me"
???? who asked????

yeah my education had a similar effect on me.

thanks, i've been looking for that picture for a while :D

the design concept is cool, but the art doesn't make me feel anything special I'm pretty sure i've seen the same building before, but I guess that makes sence if you sketched ontop of other images.