What happened to "no one wants to be homeless?"

What them goal posts slide wheeeeee

Found the Nike PR guy.

Sure buddy, y'all are sooooo important. Have a tax break cookie.

Nike is the reason for the insane fulltime contract nightmare people have in this city. Yeah the pay is high, but no PTO, no benefits, no job security, it's a scam and the people are worse off because of it. Nike hasn't done Jack for this city in the last 20 years.

Thank you. Intel is often overlooked because they just lay low and do their thing. Everyone wants to claim how important Nike is to Oregon and I often hear how they are the biggest employer, especially from people at Nike, and it's all bull crap. Portland owes a ton of its growth to Intel and the other tech companies that have offices in Hillsboro because of them. Nike is so tiny in comparison.

The former CEO who tanked eBay can't seem to understand the culture of what made Nike? Shocker.

He was a stupid hire from the get go.

Let em. Tank the brand at this point if they want to double down on dumb dumbs.

This is the CEOs fault not Phil Knight, that old man's basically non-existent now.


Sounds like grounds to fire a crappy joke of a CEO.

Edit: I see the Nike down vote brigade has arrived. You got no power here you swooshbags!


The Expert - Seven red lines, all perpendicular, some with green ink and some with transparent ink, and one in the shape of a kitten.

Yes I'm aware it has been solved.

I suspect there's a chance that she's on the cut with whatever company they are buying these tents and tarps from and you can't convince me otherwise.

The last chapter of Later. It wasn't the most disturbing thing he's ever written, not by a long shot, but it was completely unnecessary to the book at all. It was just like... WTF? Why?

There's gonna be five golden tickets in the next Mario game...

of course they can! That's where the free boofing kits go.

And honestly that's probably why I'll end up voting for him. Not excited about it, but this crap has to stop.

Honestly I hope all of the above, I'd start taking the max daily if they did this.

I was honestly expecting a bit crusher.

Your English professor isn't reading this. You're not being graded on your reddit posts.